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Returning to the USA From Germany - Covid-19

There is still a requirement for people traveling to the USA from Germany to get a Covid 19 Test 3 days prior to traveling back to the USA.

*** Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel.

I also noticed a warning from Delta Airlines on this information.

Has anyone tried to schedule or take a Covid - 19 test in Germany for return to the USA?

Posted by
669 posts

It isn't hard! If you need a PCR, simply look up where you can take them (often at airports, but lots of places) and their opening hours. You can make appointments on line easily. You will have to pay for it, and they range from about 60 Euros for the 24 hours to 160 Euros for the rapid ones, with a few outliers on price.

Antigen tests are even easier as you can get one seemingly on every corner. I don't know how the payment function works; locals get one free antigen test/week, and they are tracked via app. You can show up, scan a QR code, fill in the form, and get the swab. Within a short bit you have a test result in your inbox.

Posted by
6713 posts

I haven't done this but I ran across this test provider while planning my October trip. I'm sure there are others too. It appears that an antigen test, inexpensive with a 20-minute turnaround, will be acceptable for return travel to the US. I'm hoping that this won't be needed by October but it doesn't seem to be a real problem.

You might find more useful threads in the "Covid-19 and Travel" category of this forum (middle column on the main forum page).

Posted by
1538 posts

Thanks for the feedback. Between this and other threads, I notice that things are still shaking out. We are unlikely to put Coronavirus back in the bottle but I expect that procedures will be standardized and smoothed a bit.

Posted by
1 posts

The question is not where to get a test or how much it will cost!
The questions are:

  • What happens if the test is positive?
  • How long is the waiting time for a re-test?
Posted by
202 posts

I faced this issue just last week in Berlin. We were going to go to the airport 2 days before our flight to get the antigen test. We spoke to the concierge at the hotel who directed us to a testing location right around the corner from the hotel. We were able to register on a computer right there, got the test and the results were emailed to us about 15 minutes later. Zero cost!

Posted by
1538 posts

Juedesf wrote:

"The question is not where to get a test or how much it will cost!
The questions are:
What happens if the test is positive?
How long is the waiting time for a re-test?"

That uncertainty is true every time we travel to Germany. There is always the chance of getting sick or having an accident.

We have our vaccines and will continue to use precautions. We will have insurance.

If we test positive for Covid - or have an accident or a heart attack - we will get help. I suspect the local authorities will be adamant about where we go for help or how we quarantine if we test positive. You can only fully prepare by staying home.