We will be traveling from Munich to Salzburg and would like to take a Railjet train. I am confused about how to reserve a seat. Can you reserve a specific seat? For example, on a train that we wanted to take I could choose a first class ticket, but there was no information as to how to reserve a seat or a specific seat. Is that something you can do later? We are reserving about three months ahead of time. Thanks so much!
Go to www.Seat61.com and search for “Railjet” trains.
It will give you all the information you need.
I just went to www.oebb.at/en/ and selected two 1st class tickets for the May 8, 8:16 am departure. Seat reservations are included with 1st class tickets. Following the easy-to-follow directions on the site, I selected 2 seats in the 1st class carriage from the seat map across a table from each other.
@sam There was no seat map shown. Do you have to pay for the tickets first and then pick a seat?
Once you have selected your journey, click on the "extras" box. That is the where you will find the option to pick your seats (select reservation and then choose your seat here and go to seat selection). This is before you pay.
Found the problem! That day a seat is currently not reservable due to construction/timetables. Thank you both for taking the time to help me!