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Problems registering with and DB Navigator app

Hello. Rick advises using and its app DB Navigator for buying train tickets in Germany. I have tried to register at both sites with no luck. When you try, it first asks you for your user name, which, since I haven't registered yet, I don't have. I have tried entering one and also tried leaving that block blank. Either way, when I click Login/Register, after going through some catcha-type verification, I always get a message saying that, for security reasons, the login was not successful. I have sent them a help request but haven't heard back. Does anyone have any advice on this? Thank you.

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339 posts

I created an account about 5 months ago, and had no issues. I just used my husband's Chromebook to try to create a new account as if I needed one for him. You need to click on the Login button, even though you don't have an account yet. Then pass the security test. After that, I received a screen that prompted me to Create Account and set a password. No issues.

Have you updated your browser recently? Maybe try clearing out your browsing history.

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682 posts

The website for creating an account doesn’t follow the common method other sites utilize for registering. Simply toggle the combination “Log in/Register” button following the prompts while answering the quiz questions until the screen reaches the point permitting one to register.

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19 posts

Thank you to both who responded. But it still doesn't work. I've tried logging-in/registering with Microsoft Edge, with Microsoft Edge after deleting cookies, with a Chrome browser, and with Safari on my iPhone. I tried toggling back and forth and I tried by entering a user name and leaving that blank, but I keep getting an error message saying "Due to security precautions" I was being blocked. Same thing with the DB Navigator app on my iPhone. If anyone else has any recommendations, please send them along. Thank you again.

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1521 posts

Are you using a VPN? that's my only thought about what might be the problem.

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7629 posts

Ron, what you need to do is to use your email address for your user name. Once you do that, it will run a brief security check (captcha type) and then ask you to create a password.

I just tried it with a secondary email I have (I already have an account), and it worked. The key is to use your email as the user ID.

ETA: One other thing I thought of is if you're still getting a user error, make sure the password you are entering complies with their requirement (i.e., 12 characters, etc.).

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19 posts

Thank you again. This is really a puzzle to me. I am not using a VPN. I have tried using an email address (I tried twice, with 2 different email addresses) for my user name and the same thing happens: I click through the captchas and then I get the error message: "We are sorry. Due to security precautions we have implemented to protect your customer data, your login attempt was unfortunately not successful." (Incidentally, I have never in the past registered on this site.) I've tried every which way. As for the password, I never get that far because it never asks for it, just the user name. And as I've explained, once I try to get past the user name, I get the error message.

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7629 posts

Well, that is bizarre. I just tried it again (using a Macbook Air and Chrome browser) with another email address I have and it worked fine. Is there something different about the domain you use for your email addresses? Do you have access to another computer that you could try it on? You said you've tried several browsers, but maybe there's some glitch in your system.

I don't know - usually when I have a problem like that, it's because of Chrome but it goes away when i switch to Firefox. I wish I could help. I had problems with DB after I had created an account, but when I tried to enter a credit card to pay for the tickets, I could not access the verification code they would send. Eventually I gave up and used PayPal, but after that, entering the credit card worked just fine. I guess once it was in the system, they accepted the card without a verification code. So they have a weird system.

One other thing you might try is to buy a ticket without an account, then go back and set up the account afterwards, which you should be able to do. First choose a ticket, then it will ask you if you want to set up an account. Agree and follow the same steps (email, then captcha, then new password) and see if it accepts it.

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19 posts

Thank you, Mardee, for all your help on this. I have tried to access the sites through Firefox on my iPad and that didn't work either. I did buy a ticket without registering (from Munich to Berlin on an ICE train), but after that I tried to register and the same thing happened. Still being blocked. Perhaps I'm obsessing on this but, at the least, I'd like to have a workable DB Navigator app on my phone, and that requires registering. Earlier I requested assistance and got a standard-form email back from [email protected] saying they would respond later, but that was almost two weeks ago. Just today I found another email, [email protected] and I have emailed them and will keep my fingers crossed. Thanks again.

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60 posts

I’d love to know how/if you resolve this issue. I have had the same problem and have not been able to figure it out.

Good luck!

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120 posts

As for the password, I never get that far because it never asks for it, just the user name

It's asking Users for a username. You are not a User (yet)

Since you don't have an account, then entering anything into a "Login" screen is not going to work. When you enter your proposed email address, the site will search for that email address to locate your account. Since you don't have one, it will just give you an error, it won't ask for a password. It would be clearer if it said "That username doesn't exist", but it isn't that user-friendly.

So you gotta find some prompt that says "create an account". Usually a small prompt at the bottom or top right of the screen. Then you will give your name, desired password, etc...

Do you have any anti-popup software add-on or privacy add-on that prevents the site from asking that? Or does your browser have a password-saving mechanism that is trying to save those unsuccessful logins?

Also the site you are trying to log into should be: Not http:// http is not secure, https is more secure. If you are trying to login to an address with a lot more stuff than the extra stuff may be telling the site something you don't need or want.

EDIT: I just now tried to create a new user account on my windoze laptop with Firefox browser. I don't see any nice prompt for "Create an Account", either... Logging in with my normal functioning account gave me a wierd "captcha" I couldn't figure out. (guess I'm not having a smart day...) So I logged in with my Android phone, and it let me in... Go figure...

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7629 posts

It's asking Users for a username. You are not a User (yet)

travelerguy, it doesn't matter. You still enter it there, and DB explains that. If you'll look up at my response earlier, you'll see that I did that (creating a new User) and it worked. I really think that there's some trigger with Ron's ISP and that is causing the glitch.

Posted by
120 posts

Hi Mardee,
Thanks for the correction. That's a funny way for the site to have you create an account, but I tried yesterday, and could find no other link either.

I did search for "Deutsche Bahn app cannot create account", and found two interesting threads, one on Reddit (previously posted here), and the other on Both had the opinion that the Deutsche Bahn was not allowing certain I/P addresses (or certain ISP's). That was suggested earlier in this thread. When several users connected their laptops to their cellphone hotspot, then the site worked normally, since the I/P address would then come from Tmobile, AT&T, etc.... So Ron, can you try that?

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19 posts

It worked! Thank you both. Apparently, it is an ISP issue. I turned off wi-fi on my phone and went through my cellular network and was able to log in and create an account. Incidentally, it seemed to require an email address as the username. So thanks again.

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7629 posts

Oh, that's great, Ron! I'm glad it's working now—stuff like that can be SO frustrating!

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19 posts

Mardee: I wanted to let you know that after I registered on my phone I logged out and turned on my wi-fi again. Then, when I tried to log in through wi-fi, I got the same error message. I guess I should have expected that. So it seems that some of us will have to access it exclusively through our cellular network. But perhaps that will change when I'm actually in Germany and presumably have a different ISP?

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1 posts

I’ve been having the same problem with DB Navigator. I read through this thread, and, like Ron, went off wifi on my phone and used cellular and I was able to register. Thank you all!