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Problems ordering on Bahn website!


I am trying to purchase a 7 day Twin Rail Pass with the autumn special before it ends on December 9th. However, it keeps telling me that my card data is invalid. I know I've entered the information on the credit card itself correct, as my bank got alerted that there was an attempt charge. The charge never goes all the way through though. The website doesn't tell me what is incorrect, just shows this screen below.

"Error while processing your order. Invalid credit card data. Please check the data you provided."

"Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!

Posted by
17244 posts

We have had reports that some American credit cards do not work on and other European train sites. It may help to register the card with Verified by Visa. Or if you have an American Express card, try that. They generally work (mine did).

Posted by
11613 posts

If there is a Paypal option, that usually works.

Posted by
33513 posts

If it asks for a starting date remember that in Europe it is day and then month then year, instead of month and then day.

If the bank says they see the charge coming through then perhaps they are stopping it because you did not warn them of a foreign transaction first and they suspected fraud. When they alerted you, did you ask them to allow it through?

Posted by
7766 posts

I agree that the cited message is likely (but not certain) to indicate that the credit card company declined the purchase. I had that experience on my third DB transaction last summer. The first two went through (while I was still at home in the USA). You are expected to divine that fact and contact the credit card provider!

neklkelsey, people from all over the world post on this board. You will get the best advice if you add your home state or city, and country to your public profile. No one will track you down and hack you from that little information, and we might give better answers to your questions. For example, DB sells some products that are only available to EU residents or German citizens.

Posted by
27648 posts

No one else has mentioned this, so I will:

Rail passes are not necessarily the best financial deal. Unless you're buying the pass mainly for the flexibility of being able to make last-minute travel decisions, I recommend checking the fares for your travel dates on the Deutsche Bahn website to be sure you'll at least come close to breaking even on the pass. Germany offers some really good deals on regional tickets and for multiple people traveling together.

Posted by
8 posts

Thank you all so much, you have no idea how helpful it is to hear from other travelers. I did contact my bank, they did an international lift on my account so it should go through on their end and it's still not going through. I will register with visa verified as mentioned above to see if that helps.

For the long haul trips I'm planning over New Year's Eve and the day after New Year's Day he fares are extremely high, higher than I've ever seen. So the twin pass pays for itself more than it's cost! Thank you for mentioning that though!

Posted by
14795 posts


If you pay with the US chip and signature credit card at a DB machine, it'll go through. It always did for me, most recently was this past June. Likewise if you use this credit card ordering on-line using the DB website. Never had a problem having it go through. I use a rail pass but for 7 days I would reconsider.

Posted by
27648 posts

It makes sense that at this point, prices of tickets around the holidays would be quite high. It's great you can take advantage of the rail pass to save money.

Posted by
8 posts

After registering with Verified by Visa and Visa Checkout, my order will still not go through. Quite frustrating as it's the only card I have in my name. I emailed DB, hopefully I hear back before the Autumn special is over.

Posted by
20977 posts

Rail Europe is also selling the pass, but with about a 7% markup on the currency exchange. Also, although they advertise "discount" for the twin pass (2 people traveling together at all times), when you try to book it on the website, only 2 single passes are offered. Bottom line, $540 for 2 7-day continuous 2nd cl passes. GRP is offering 424 EUR for the same thing, Twin is offered at 318 EUR.

Posted by
6941 posts

I hope DB can help you with your purchase.

Sam writes, "7-day continuous 2nd cl passes. GRP is offering 424 EUR for the same thing, Twin is offered at 318 EUR."

Yes - I mentioned the continuous/consecutive twin pass promo price of €318 on your previous thread as well... But that would also require a credit card purchase through DB, and you'd still need to buy a day of travel to or from MUC airport.

I haven't looked at Raileurope. But if your chat with DB isn't fruitful, and if you have to pay $540 (€454) at Raileurope, as Sam has indicated, then why not just buy the German Rail Pass from DB once you arrive in Germany?? It's cheaper and you can buy it right at the airport, you know...

  • The normal DB price for a 7-day CONSECUTIVE twin pass is only €398 (then you need to buy one airport trip at €22 as well.)

  • The 7-day FLEXI twin pass is €416 - that covers more than all your travel days, I think, so it's even better.

  • The best deal is likely the 5-day FLEXI twin pass at €335, regular price (on top of which you may need 1 airport trip at €22, not sure how many days you will actually use trains.)

And of course you'll get personalized help from the DB agent at the station and you'll be able to ask whatever questions you may have right there. And by avoiding online purchase, you have no worries about online procedures or things getting lost in the Christmas season mail rush, etc.

DB page source for mormal GRP prices:

If DB can't help you with your credit card problem and the 7-day promo pass you want, I would just confirm with your DB contact that on your arrival date, the GRP prices at the ticket counter in Germany will be the same as the GRP prices stated above - and buy them there.

Posted by
19238 posts

For the long haul trips I'm planning over New Year's Eve and the day after New Year's Day he fares
are extremely high, higher than I've ever seen

The full fares are no higher than usual. The Bahn doesn't raise prices at peak times. However, at peak times discounted ticket sell out fast at the lower tiers, so the discounted tickets might be higher. I've often seen discounted tickets disappear completely during peak times.

Posted by
8 posts

Update! I have had success! I called my bank and just asked them if they could find out what was going on and if the problem was on my end. They found that it was hitting the fraud wall on their end. She enabled it and had me try it, then it finally showed the purchase completed screen! I have the download of my ticket, and will print on A4 paper as it states to.

Posted by
6941 posts

Hey, good for you. (IME... standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper has worked for at least a dozen tickets from DB. )

The use instructions may indicate that you need to present that specific credit card with you when you board trains... so here's a "just-in-case" tip that I picked up from this board somewhere... if you replace that card for whatever reason (new card time, loss, theft,) even with a replacement card from the same bank, do not cut it up. Take it with you on the trip to present with your pass. It won't be valid, but that doesn't matter - you've already paid. DB train personnel just need to see and swipe that card as back-up I.D. You can cut it up at the end of your trip.

Posted by
33513 posts

Yes, just use your normal paper. Make sure that the QR code or barcode are not on a fold or cut-off. As long as they can scan it you are golden.

I'm glad that you got that resolved.

Posted by
16895 posts

I don't know where Sam ran into trouble with the Rail Europe price quote. Probably he did not indicate that the two people would always travel together. Rail Europe's current price for 7 consecutive days on the German Twin Pass with winter discount is $416, not $540. That would be delivered free by UPS to USA street addresses and would not incur a possible international exchange fee from your credit card provider.