Hello all. Just giving a heads up to those with stomach issues. Pepto Bismol is NOT sold OTC or at pharmacies in Germany, Italy or Switzerland. I haven't tried buying any elsewhere in Europe yet. So pack what you think you will need. It was not fun running out while traveling. I never once thought an OTC med like Pepto would not be available in Europe. Pharmacies gave me probiotics and antacids. None of which helped. I shall be better prepared on our next trip!
That was one of my first "travel lessons", lol. Well, it wasn't actually funny at the time.
It's not available in France either. It might be available in UK but I always carry my own and enough to share if needed, lol.
Sorry you had issues! I also carry Immodium which is not available OTC in many places either.
We've learned the hard way as well - I now always carry Pepto tablets, immodium, a prescription anti-nausea med, day and night cold meds and zinc tablets. Takes up so little room and typically rarely needed but when you do need it, sure comes in handy.
Acetaminophen aka paracetamol (Tylenol) and pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) are also restricted in some countries.
Hello all. Just giving a heads up to those with stomach issues. Pepto Bismol is NOT sold OTC or at pharmacies in Germany, Italy or Switzerland.
Fortunately, for emergencies there are plenty of over-the-counter equivalents, e.g. Ulcogant, Maaloxan, Omeprazole (over-the-counter up to 20mg). Just talk to the pharmacist and he will find the right one for you.
Nope, gotta be pepto. Pepto and American toilet paper two things Europe needs to work on.
You can buy Pepto in the UK. It's kept behind the counter.
sla019, I did talk to the pharmacist everywhere we went. No Pepto or Pepto equivalent. The meds you listed are for acid reflux and ulcers. The pharmacists pushed probiotics as their solution for a Pepto alternative, but nothing works better than the "Pink Stuff" when your pork schnitzel decides to wreak havoc with your stomach!!
Happy Travels All!
Seriously? The TP in Germany is wonderfully soft and thick. That is such an old complaint about the TP, that goes back decades.
I use Immodium. Can't think of any reason to use something like Pepto Bismal. The thought of how it tastes makes me queasy though and it has probably been 50+ years since I took it.
Am glad we don't have Sudefed here, it is also why they don't have people making crack here.
Maybe the term "upset stomach" is an American English thing. Pepto Bismol is bismuth salicylate which some countries consider toxic. In the US it's the first thing people reach for, for Nausea, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, & Diarrhea - emphasis on the latter. And it's often recommended to take while traveling as a preventive.
Not sold in France either, FYI.
If there is some reason why you think Pepto Bismol is the only wonder drug to cure all your gastrointestinal upsets, then by all means pack a bag full of those pink things. Knowing you could need to take up to 16/day to get relief, that's a lot of tablets.
I prefer a targeted approach - Bonine or Dramamine for nausea and vomiting. Lomotil for diarrhea. And a roll of Rolaids for heartburn. Always effective and takes up a tiny fraction of the space in my pharmacy bag. And having them at hand sure beats finding a pharmacy when you need to be staying within reach of your toilet.
I've also found that I need to be quite specific when speaking with any pharmacist. They arent going to understand what you mean by "upset stomach". If you have nausea and vomiting, say so. Ditto if the problem is diarrhea.. Just because their recommendations are different from what you get at home doesn't mean they are ineffective. If they are, then you need to see a doctor.
Pretty much not sold across the EU. The concern is the long term toxicity of the Bismuth component. Not available in Japan or Australia for the same reasons.
If there is some reason why you think Pepto Bismol is the only wonder
drug to cure all your gastrointestinal upsets,