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Outdoor activities along the Rhine?


We are in early stages of planning a trip with another couple and thinking about doing the Rhine area (like Boppard, Koblenz, Cologne-ish... this area, unsure yet). They just said they like outdoor activities so I am wondering if anyone knows any hiking, biking, cool outdoor type activities, swimming... things like this in this area you could recommend?

We are not married to this area and can go elsewhere... not sure I wanted to go all the way down to the Alps area... but maybe...

Any ideas? Thanks!

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6897 posts

Rhine hiking: 2 great trails:


Rheinburgenweg (Rhine Castle trail) between Bingen and Koblenz:

Stage 4 of this trail is my favorite:

I'd recommend the Mosel River (which meets the Rhine in Koblenz) for biking... somewhat quieter and more bucolic than the Rhine biking is:

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1513 posts

I agree with Russ about biking the Mosel vs. the Rhine. We've biked from Metz France to Cochem. It's a great path! We chose not to bike the section from Cochem to Koblenz as it required biking on the road.

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1268 posts

The Moselle River valley is wider, and prettier (I know, sacrilege), and has a much better bike trail than the Rhine. And more castles. You can rent bikes in most of the major towns on both rivers. There are good books with the maps available, and the web has them too. Like this:

There are also float trips and kayak rentals on the Moselle, the Rhine is not good for those. Swimming is available in marked areas.

If it was me, I'd look close at the area between Koblenz and Trier. (Of course, I have to admit to spending some of my best weekends in that area so far this year.)

Don't forget to look for some of the local winefests, every town has one.

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1008 posts

thank you all! I had not considered the Moselle... I will look into that.

For some reason this part of the trip is hard for me to wrap my head around... :)


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5 posts

Kim thanks for asking your question! Going to be there in September and we were going to rent bikes and ride along the Rhine in Bacharach area but now we may change or add to riding along Moselle!!!! Thanks everyone

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1008 posts

Report back what you do please! We have many months until we go!! :)