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"One Suitcase" Club?

It's been a while since I have posted here, so I don't know for sure if I read about it here or elsewhere, but wasn't there a loosely organized organization ("Organized organization" ---- "Loosely" ---- Man! Can I write 'em or what???? :) ) called The One Suitcase Club promoting taking only one piece of luggage which can go into the overhead compartment and what one should pack in it?



Posted by
2081 posts

Welcome Bill,

im not sure about the club/org you speak of, but when it comes to packing, its a personal/subject thing.

some people are clothes horses and will bring the whole house if they can. some dont.

If you look at Rick Steves recommendations/list, you can get an idea on what to bring and not, but everyone will have +/- to that list.

Also, its not like the airlines is going to throw you off the plane for oversized luggage, but they may make you check it in and may charge you some $$$ in the process. Also, what it comes down to is that you will learn the hard way if you packed too much.

happy trails.

Posted by
24 posts

Just checked out that website. Has some good information there, not covered on other sites. Thanks for the link!

Posted by
242 posts

Thanks to all of you for the tips and the link!


Posted by
242 posts

Hi, Ken!

Everything is going well - well, well enough to travel by myself I think.

I did go to the site you and Ed linked me to, but there doesn't seem to be much going on there. I found another site with a name close to 1bag..... which is called onebag dot com. It has a lot of good info as well, but some of it is a bit antiquated. For example, he doesn't much like wheeled luggage, and I do understand his point - it does add to the weight of your bag, but I take that into account when I pack. Anyway my meds seem to be doing the job and I've been in stage IV for over a year now. In addition I'm participating in drug trials, so if those don't kill me, maybe we'll find something that works! :)

Thank you!


Posted by
9110 posts

Snoop around in the archives section of the link we gave you. That's the stuff from the old site.

Posted by
32398 posts


It's great to hear that you're well and especially that you're planning another trip! Hopefully the new med's will make a big difference and achieve the desired result.

Regarding the One Bag website, what type of information are you looking for and what are your luggage preferences (ie: wheelie bag, backpack or other)? The very knowledgeable group here could probably offer lots of good suggestions to supplement the website. If you're planning to only use one bag and also use budget airlines in Europe, you'll have to restrict the size according to the "lowest common denominator".

Posted by
16564 posts

Bill...there isn't a lot going on at right now because the editor is in the process of moving. Starting in April, postings will be much more frequent including an expansion of the tutorial section. There are also quite a few gear reviews waiting to be done.

Posted by
242 posts

Hey, Ken and Frank

Well, the bag I will use I already have, so that's no problem (It's a carry-on sized wheelie). But since it's been a while since I've been home and this time I'll be there for 2 weeks instead of 7 days, I just wanted to get some ideas of what to pack for that long a time. I have a working list already, but I may be forgetting some stuff so a "template" of some kind would be great.

I've been looking at Rick's cotton sleep sack and have already sent a question, but in case of emergency or a seriously long layover, I'd like to buy one, but not if it takes up too much room. That and the inflatable sleep pillow would suit me just fine in case I have to sleep on the floor of an airport. :)

Also, on a side-note, I'll be taking two washcloths since those "drüben" are so large it feels like you're washing with a hand towel.

It's good to see y'all again and thanks for the help!
