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Oktoberfest = 8-Beers Party? Das IST gut, JA!

Guten morgan, mien herr und frau!

In a miracle unseen since Lazarus got the deposit back on his shroud, my long-suffering wife has tentatively agreed that I may attend Oktoberfest in 2019.

(To understand why this is as remarkable as Iceland Air getting somewhere on time (you bastards!), I should mention that at the LAST Oktoberfest I attended (in 1993), I slammed two liters of Marzen and proceeded to serenade my fellow Oktoberfest-ists with a song that I made up on the spot. The words to this muse-and-beer-inspired ballad are lost to history, but the lusty chorus of "I - fly - der Stuka!" is long-remembered by both my friends, who got kicked out with me, and my wife, who swore she'd withhold certain wifely things if I even breathed the word 'Oktoberfest' again. Apparently time, and my promise not to do the Chicken Dance or mention dive-bombers, heals all wounds).

Ok, so now on to the reason I'm bothering you lot with this post: due to certain contractually-obligated conditions put forth by my wife (which includes time in Bruges and other locations in and about Europe), I've only got two full days in Munich: Friday and Saturday. Now, I know I have a Papist's chance in Wittenberg of scoring anything but dirty looks on Saturday, but might Friday at around noon be a possibility for grabbing a table without waiting? I'm not asking for the Moon and stars here, merely a plate of curry wurst, 1/2 chicken, brockwurst, schnitzel, saurkraut, more curry wurst, one of them big ol' novelty pretzels, saeubraten, maybe some more curry wurst and petite helping of Germany's famous hops soda. I'm willing to sign paperwork stating that I will 1. behave, and 2. not repeat what Berlusconi said about Angela Merkel that one time, in order to achieve this goal.

Also, is Augsburg pretty nice? I was thinking of staying there to avoid the extortion from hotels in Munich. I figure I can walk to the train, or whatever the railed system is called there, take it to Munich, attend Der Fest, and then pray to Dionysus that I can somehow find my way back again after zu viel bier. I mean, how hard can it be?

Finally, if you have any advise, do's-or-don'ts, amusing anecdotes, or ways to pass as Canadian should things go off the rails, I'm all ears.

Danke schoen!

-- Mike Beebe

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33513 posts

I've only got two full days in Munich:

Maybe that's best for all involved?

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1524 posts

We very much like Augsburg, even for itself more than a bedroom community near Munich.

If you wish to have a beer in Augsburg, I liked the Markgastätte at lunch in the Stadtmarkt, especially as it serves Augustiner Bräu, my favorite beer from Munich. There are a couple Ibis Hotels not far from the train station for an easy commute to Munich. We have had two excellent meals at the Bauerntanz Restaurant down the hill from the Ratskeller. The gold rooms at the Ratskeller are a fairly unique tourist sight.

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5149 posts

You should be able to get into at least one or two tents on Friday without reservations. Just don't name me in the divorce proceedings if "zu viel bier" erases your memory and you wind up doing the Chicken Dance while wearing aviator glasses. :)

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2457 posts

but the lusty chorus of "I - fly - der Stuka!" is long-remembered

You will do a great service to you and to everyone else when you renounce such manifestations of your cultural superiority. Thanks.

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7123 posts

I certainly do hope that you are a professional humorist, if not your talents are being wasted. Love reading all of your posts.

I can't answer your question about Oktoberfest but I think your plan of staying in Augsburg is a good one. Close enough to commute but far enough away to breathe and relax - when not performing on the festival grounds. :)