Just a quick "Hallöchen" to the forum folks to let you know that my family and I made it out of town on Thursday and now are safe and sound. Thanks so much for your notes of concern.
Because of the geography, climate, and limited exit routes here, most of us anticipated and planned for this event. But this fire still overcame the town with amazing swiftness. One small story... DW (who Thursday morning was at her parents' home providing Day 1 of post-rehab care for her elderly mom) managed to get her mostly unprepared parents out. At first they spent a couple of hours in her car trapped in exit traffic, making no more than 1/4 mile's progress. The and the many other stranded drivers/occupants were then ordered by police to abandon their cars on the road and walk to an open zone guarded by fire trucks, where they got water and spent about 3 hours letting everything around them "burn down" - after which they were told to walk back to their cars and immediately drive down the now-cleared exit route that took them out of town. They would likely have perished without the assistance of those emergency personnel.
Most working folks (including my daughter) work out of town and had left prior to the mid-morning mass exodus (thank God it wasn't a weekend.) I managed to fetch my daughter's cat from her home, get a few emergency supplies from her home, siphon some gas from another car at her home (gas station lines were ridiculous.) After seeing the car-clogged westbound Skyway (the prescribed route) howling Moxie and I were able to exit safely and relatively quickly in the opposite direction over the underused eastbound exit route, which climbs the Paradise ridge for about 20 miles and empties onto a major highway well away from the fire perimeter. Local cellphone service got knocked out before I left town - so without any firm knowledge of DW's whereabouts, this was a very prayerful car trip. We finally managed to meet up at around 9 pm.
Until now I've been checking on other relatives in the Paradise area and on my rental-property tenants and collecting some supplies and clothing for loved ones. Everyone in this circle is safe and now has a roof overhead. I'll have to wait to find out about local friends and about the fate of our properties there.
Grateful for our good fortune and thankful for your notes, I expect to return to the forum once normalcy returns.