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Need help with my Southern Germany Itinerary

My husband and I are spending 3 nights in Berlin then picking up a car and driving to Prague for 2 nights. We will then drive to Salzburg and stay 3 nights there and then to Bolzano and stay 2 nights. We thought about going to stay in OBERAMMERGAU then for 2 nights to see the Bavarian Alps. We have reservations to see the Neuschwanstein castle the day after we leave Bolzano. We have 5 nights after that before flying out of Frankfurt. I want to see a lot of sites along of the Rhine and thinking of staying a night or two in Heidelburg. Can anyone help with the the last week of our trip and give any insight in the rest of our vacation for us? We have 17 days.

Thank you!

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305 posts

What are the dates of your trip? If it is between May and October of this year you likely won’t be able to find a place to stay in Oberammergau and this is the passion Play year.

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7180 posts

Can anyone help with the the last week of our trip and give any insight in the rest of our vacation for us?

By "the rest..." I guess you mean the first 12 days... So I'd say with just 17 days all told, you are covering too much ground, spending too much time driving around in the car, and visiting too many places. Berlin is being shortchanged for time, and so is Prague. And I would not want to be caught with a car in either city. Both are well connected by train. Same for Salzburg, really. I would take advantage of the trains for that part.

Since you'll be in Oberammergau (or thereabouts,) I would take more time there for the Alps, perhaps Mittenwald, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Innsbruck... and I'd drop the driving trip to Bolzano to loosen up your time. From Salzburg you could head straight to O'ammergau (probably by train.) Then if you wish to drive the last week, pick up a car in O'ammergau neighborhood and keep it for that area and the Rhine.

For that last week, you say, " I want to see a lot of sites along of the Rhine" - if you can tell us what those are, we can maybe suggest some strategies for seeing them, where to stay, etc.

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30 posts

Our dates are May 6th (arriving in Berlin for 3 nights) and departing May 24th from Frankfurt.

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30 posts

Russ: I guess what I want help with is sites to see from Bolzano to Heidelberg and the best town to stay in.