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I've found quite a bit of information on the new fare structure on the MVV website (in English). They've replaced the old four zones with seven. The innermost zone, now called "M", is a little smaller than the previous "Innenraum", and a single trip ticket for the new M zone is now €3,30 vs the previous €2,70 for the Innenraum. So you will pay a little more to travel in the center of town. A "single" day ticket for the M zone will cost €7,80 vs €6,70 for the old Innenraum.

Outside the M zone, the zones are 1 - 6, replacing roughly the previous three zones. The day ticket price between town and the airport (formerly Gesamtnetz) is still €24,30, and the day ticket to Dachau (formerly München XXL) is still €8,90. A big difference is that the prices using "Stripe" tickets (isn't that "strip" tickets?) is a little lower than the day tickets tourist would normally use. For instance, from town to the airport is €13,- with a Single Tageskarte, €11,50 for a Single Trip Ticket, but only €9,80 using Stripe tickets (7 Stripes at €1,40 each). Locals will use Stripe tickets because it is a long term thing for them (they'll use them eventually), but the tickets are sold 10 per strip for €14,-, so short time users run the risk of leaving with unused, non-refundable tickets (Stripes).

Travel in the M zone will cost tourist €3,30 for an Einzelfahrkarte, but only cost local, Stripe ticket users €2,80 for 2 stripes.