Hi, We arrive in Munich on June 5 and will visit Munich, Salzburg and Amsterdam.
We have to fly to Amsterdam and back to fly home out of Munich in order to avoid
a miserable trip home. So....I am considering Wed (recovery from trip day), Thurs, Friday
and Saturday to visit Munich and the surrounding areas.
Sunday we will travel to Salzburg and stay until Wednesday evening.
Return to Munich and THURS fly to Amsterdam. We will have 3 full days there and return
back to Munich on Monday and fly out of Munich on Tuesday to home.
My question is this: would you include Amsterdam? I can get round trip tickets for $121 right now.
I was there two years ago and I really want to take my son there, especially to the Van Gogh museum,
as he loves Van Gogh.
Can we see the main things in Munich in 3 full days (plus wandering around the day we arrive and know
we will be exhausted) Sun can be split between Munich and Salzburg. Then we would have 3 full days in Salzburg including a day trip to Berchstegaden. Amsterdam feels like a great way to end the trip since it is easy to walk to most places and will be more relaxing.
Any thoughts and input are greatly appreciated.