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Munich hotels during Frühlingsfest (Springfest)

How much will Frühlingsfest (Springfest) impact hotel availability and prices in Munich? And, will it also impact high speed train availability between Munich and other cities and therefore prices as well?

I am trying to decide between going to Munich in early April or late April during Frühlingsfest (Springfest).

I'd prefer late April because of the warmer weather(I will also be going to Salzburg as a daytrip so warm weather on that day would also be a plus).

But, I'm not a beer drinker so Springfest, as I understand it, and Octoberfest hold limited appeal to me.

Springfest isn't as well known here in America so does it also drive up hotel prices too like what happens during Octoberfest?

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843 posts

Hotels have already incorporated their estimate of future demand into their prices.

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8435 posts

Last year I purchased air tickets for a trip to Munich during Oktoberfest and did not realize my “mistake” until I started looking at hotel prices. Oops. Also a non drinker, so I wondered what it would be like during this busy time.

My mistake turned out great. I ended up selecting a hotel directly on the S1 line that was a short commute to get a reasonable price. (Hotel-Gasthoff Maisberger). It was a good choice. Large rooms, excellent restaurant and directly next to the station. We found we enjoyed leaving the hustle and bustle of downtown for this relaxing oasis.

Munich was fun! There is so much to do that does not involve drinking. I enjoyed seeing people dressed up in “traditional “ costumes.