My wife and I will be spending 3 days in Munich in late May 2018. We will be staying near Hauptbahnhof train station. I would like to rent bikes and bike to and visit Nymphenburg then bike to Olympia park then bike to and visit BMW Welt then bike to English Park and return to Hauptbahnhof. Are there off street bike paths or will the bike lanes be in the street? We are 67 in normal fair physical condition
I’ve done this loop several times. It’s mostly off street but there might be a few area where the bike path goes on street especially in neighborhoods. Be on the lookout for bike traffic signage and signals as you’ll be expected to follow them. One mistake I’ve seen tourist make is not being aware of or following the rules of the road on bikes (wrong way cycling, running red cycle lights, etc).
They bike lanes are well marked and the bikes will be equipped with bike bell to alert people you are approaching. LOVE those bike bells.
Are maps of the bike paths available?
Bike map (in German):
You can also buy physical copies of bike maps from Tourist Information centers.
Most dedicated bike paths expect cyclists to stick to one side and pedestrians to the other, and Germans will quickly jump to the right upon hearing you ring your bike bell which they use frequently. Germany is a fantastic place to cycle, even in the cities.
Thanks for the map link Sarah