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Munich and nearby cities

Hi, we are planning a 14 days holiday to Munich on 29 December 2017 to 11 of January 2018. And during our stay, we thought of visiting nearby cities such as Salzburg, Zurich, Venice and Milan. Do you think its a good idea base on traveling from one place to another? Or would you be able to suggest any other better routes base. I would prefer not to travel more then 5h from one city to another.

We will be flying in to Munich and out from Munich.

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1533 posts

Munich to Salzburg are 2 easy hours, maybe a bit less, and there are a lot of German cities within range. Zurich is within range but travel is somewhat slow. As soon as you begin crossing Alps, travel times are much longer: Venice and Milan are well out of the 5 hours range (consider flying). Also add that winter travel times may be slower than summer times.

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7175 posts

29. Arrive Munich. Train to Salzburg (2N)
31. Train to Venice (3N)
3. Train to Milan / Lake Como (2N)
5. Train to Zurich / Luzern (3N)
8. Train to Munich (3N)
11. Depart Munich

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8159 posts

It would be very easy for you to visit Munich, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Venice by train.
Milan is a little out of the way--to the west. Florence would be a better alternative as it's a very important city and very easy to get to from Venice by fast train (with reservations.)
And Zurich is a very quiet business city that's not even in the mountains. Your time could be better spent elsewhere.