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Munich airport--rental car returns

At Munich airport, is there signage in English showing the rental car return locations? Also, if I miss the rental car return location at the first shot, does the road "loop back" to it (as in the case of US airports)?


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4100 posts

I always miss the rental car return at Munich the first time and loop back around to enter. It’s not a big deal to get back to it if you miss it. I don’t recall if the sign says rental cars or Mietwagen or both — maybe someone else does.

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34359 posts

it is in English (or was November 2020) (sorry for the long link):,11.7501207,3a,19.9y,156.4h,98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipPf8hjaE1ME7vHPvkNiqnZlddUNcDSOavS5tnYv!2e10!7i10240!8i5120?hl=en&authuser=0

It says on the third line "Rental Car Return" and also shows the two nearby towns we like to visit...

While in Germany Streetview is pretty much banned due to privacy concerns, bubbles can be put on. Google maps shows the layout really well, as well as Tankstelle so you can fill the tank near the return (note the Agip just beyond the sign if people miss the sign).

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1671 posts

Thank you. Is walking with luggage from the rental car return location to Terminal 2 difficult? How long does it take?