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Mid July 2014 Munich Hotel recommendation?

We'll be arriving in Munich after our over-night flight from the US and plan to spend 3 nights on our own prior to traveling on to Prague to join a tour. Can anyone recommend a clean, safe, reasonably-priced ($150-$200 USD per night) hotel in the city close to main attractions and public transportation? We would want air conditioning & en-suite bath. Elevator would be nice if it has many floors.

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419 posts

The Eden Wolff Hotel is directly across the street from the main railroad station (and the Lufthansa airport bus) Arnulfstrasse.
Excellent hotel, friendly staff, bounteous breakfast and the restaurant is also very good for dinner or lunch.
Within walking distance of major attractions or one subway stop to the Marianplatz.

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19171 posts

$150-$200 per night is 108€-144€ per night. Doesn't look like Eden Wolff is even close to your range.

You won't find too many air conditioned rooms in German, because A/C is not usually needed. If you can forego the A/C, Hotel Royal is nearby and has en-suite bathrooms, elevator, and includes breakfast for about 80€-90€ ($110-$125) per night.

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419 posts is showing the Eden Wolff in July with breakfast and free cancellation for about $175 a night.

Posted by
321 posts

Munich hotel rates are usually lower on Fri, Sat, & Sun nights IF there are no fairs or festivals. For example, the Marriott Courtyard which is 3 blocks from the Bahnhof and meets your requirements of AC, elevators, clean, and safe is $705 total for a double Tues to Fri Jul 15-18 (3 nights) with breakfast extra ($29/person). If you arrive Friday Jul 18 and leave Mon Jul 21 the same double is$ 580 W/O breakfast and $ 663 for 3 nights with breakfast. It is about 15 minutes walk to the center (Marienplatz) or you can catch a streetcar or subway at the Bahnhof.

Suggest you look at several websites which list hotels to find what you want for location, amenities (AC & elevator), cost, etc. ( I believe IBIS hotels are part of their offerings),,, are all candidates. And you don't have to be in the city center, Public transportation is excellent, extensive, inexpensive, safe, & quick in Munich.

Have a good trip!!!

Posted by
123 posts

Thanks everyone...checked these recommendations out and all sounded great. However, alas, our plans have now changed and we'll not be going to Munich (this trip) after all. Headed into Amsterdam for a couple days prior to doing a "Great Rivers of Europe" cruise. Still researching a number of places for our free time in a number of cities.

Never travel without Rick's books and forum advisors!!! Happy travels all!