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May Day in Bravaria

Does anyone have a town or village in Northern Bravaria they would recommend to visit for May Day?

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19156 posts

I don't know why someone would recommend a visit to a certain village on May Day, but you should know that transportation will be running that day on a Sunday or Holiday schedule.

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332 posts

May 1st is a holiday everything will be closed. People enjoy the outdoors and drink May wine . Enjoy your day

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980 posts

A good way to spend the day is to seek out a local Maibaum-Aufstellen (Maypole raising). Your best bet is to ask your hotel for help locating one as Maypoles are not replaced every year. There is usually a small festival wiht beer, food and and band associated with a Maypole raising.


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1329 posts

The Oberpfälzer Freilandmuseum Neusath-Perschen does a nice old style May Tree raising with horses and poles, men in Lederhosen, women in Dirndl etc.. No tractor lift here. With good weather you can sit outside at the museum restaurant and watch and get something to eat and a beer. The cities of Naaburg, Weiden and Regensburg are not too far away either. You'll probably need a car, but there may be a bus from the Naaburg Bahnhof to the museum even on this holiday.

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3 posts

Thanks mchpp and DJ. I'm looking forward to Mayday and the maibaum raising.

Posted by
980 posts

I HIGHLY recommend mchpp's recommendation. That would be a deep Bavarian experience indeed. You are likely to hear dialects that most German's can't understand!