As part of a larger (8 night) trip to the region, I am trying to plan, and get advice on, this leg of our trip. We will be traveling in second half of July. We will have a rental car. For this leg we will be leaving Luzern in the morning and traveling to Fussen area. Then on to Innsbruck. We have two days and two nights to devote to this part of the trip. My questions are as follows:
1) any recommendations on amazing lunch stop along the way? Or should we travel all the way to Fussen area and eat when we get there. We are foodies.
2) Should we stay in Fussen area overnight, and then travel to Innsbruck the next morning for full day and night? Or would you recommend driving to Innsbruck the first night, and then having all day and night the second day in Innsbruck as well.
3) thoughts on hotels in Fussen area or Innsbruck that either have parking, or that parking is relatively convenient?
Thank you!
Where are you renting the car and where are you dropping it? If not rented in Austria, you will need to buy an Austrian vignette. and if you rented it in Austria, you will need to buy a Swiss vignette.
Thanks Sam - we are renting the car on arrival in Zurich and will use it in Switzerland for Luzern and day trips to Bern and Oberland while we are based in Luzern for two nights. I am aware of the vignette for Austria (and also the steep dropoff fee).