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Lufthansa Strike

I see that the Lufthansa pilots were on strike again last week for two days. Does anyone who lives in Germany, have any information on if things are settled yet or do you think there will be future strikes. I need to book a roundtrip flight to Germany for early and mid November. I would prefer to fly Lufthansa, but do not want to risk my flights being cancelled. Thanks for any information anyone has.

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982 posts

It's not really possible to predict pilot strikes but the chances of them affecting your trip is minimal. This round of strikes only affected flights for a few days. You are more likely to have a trip delayed due to weather than a strike. My advice is book the tickets you want and dont worry about it.


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519 posts

There has been ongoing labor issues and multiple strikes by the pilots unions for a while, though this round of strikes was the first in a few months. We had award tickets coming home in July in LH first class and were worried they would be interrupted by a strike as there was rhetoric there would be one. Luckily we avoided it for our trip and had a fantastic flight home. To keep track of the latest, I would check in with the following flyertalk thread on the topic:

Looks like Lufthansa won a ruling in court declaring the strike invalid. My quick perusal of the past few pages seems that it was a procedural error on the part of the union that led to this. However, looks like the union is trying to get Lufthansa back to the table by proposing some dates to restart discussions. Hopefully this will mean no strikes for the time being.