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Looking for Chocolate & booze-free Black Forest cake!

My husband and I will be in the Frankfurt area this summer and I was wondering if anyone knew of little independent chocolate shops (if they teach a class that would be a bonus)
We will also be going down to the Black Forest and I think it would be great if we enjoyed some black forest cake while we were there. My husband & I don't drink alcohol and while I understand alcohol is part of the preparation for an authentic black forest cake all of the food reviews I'm reading say "this will give you a buzz" or "its soaked in liquor" there a drink free black forest cake out there or is there at lease one that is lighter on the alcohol?

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4684 posts

For chocolate in Frankfurt try Bitter Und Zart in Braubachstrasse, near the Roemer. (Warning, no credit cards so take plenty of cash.)

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12040 posts

all of the food reviews I'm reading say "this will give you a buzz" or "its soaked in liquor". Where did you read that? There's a very small amount of liquor in the cherry filling, enough to taste it, but not nearly enough to cause any noticable effects.

BTW, the Black Forest cake is actually native to Köln, not the Schwarzwald...

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7915 posts

I have seen that by law, in order to advertise or label the cake as Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, it must contain Kirsch or the cherry liquor. Perhaps some places have something similar, but it would need to be labeled differently, likely stating that it is an "alkoholfrei" Kirschtorte...avoiding the "Schwarzwalder"

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4049 posts

We've eaten a LOT of Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte in our day and all of the cakes that we've eaten had a nice taste of the cherry liquor in the cherry layer that soaks down to the cake layer below. Perhaps you could eat only the layers above the cherries or ask if there is a kinder version that is alkohol frei.

During our one month in Freiburg a few years ago my husband had a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte every time we ate at a restaurant. Never did either of us feel any effects from the alcohol although we could definitely taste it.

You could also try a piece to experience the cool creaminess and excellent flavors and then move on to other delictible cakes which most Konditorei in the Black Forest will display in their cold cases.

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9149 posts

There are several good chocolate stores in Frankfurt. One has already been mentioned, Bitter & Zart. Visit the Klein Markt Halle where they have a chocolate stand offering Belgian chocolate and pralines. The Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof has a nice choc. store too.

I don't know of any stores offering choc. classes.
StadtEvents offers this class but it is in German and looks like it is fairly booked out. Perhaps you can contact the store to see if they would offer you some kind of tour or class in English?
Michis Schokoatelier, Sandweg 60

As to the cake, I kind of doubt you will find one without the alcohol in it. That said, there are so many other cakes that I personally feel taste a whole lot better than a Black Forest Cake. I like BFC and have eaten my share of them, but also can't eat them any more due to the booze. I have yet to miss them, maybe because they were never a favorite.
Try the cream cakes with fruit, or a German cheesecake made with quark, cakes with blueberries, or apples or strawberries.