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Last minute flexi pass train tickets

Sorry last question.

We are trying to order last minute flexipass train tickets for 4 days of travel in Germany, for our mother and father in law. However, Rick Steeves RailEurope ticket ordering page says:

In order to ship your documents your departure date to Europe must be
more than 5 days from today. If your departure from North America is
within 5 days, please call us for further assistance with last minute
bookings toll-free. We can be reached Monday – Friday, 9:00am to
7:30pm ET. For travelers departing from the US please call
1-800-622-8600, travelers in Canada please call 1-800-361-7245,
travelers in Mexico please call 01-800-112-6680.**

Do you know what our options are going to be when I call in in the morning?? (We are traveling from the US)

They leave on Thursday afternoon. I'm tempted to still order it "overnight" but push the date back where it says what is the last day you can receive the tickets.

My wife and I ordered a 5 day flexi pass for Germany and got it in like 3 days a few weeks ago... So, I know it is possible it can get here soon enough.


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16894 posts

1) Since the passes are sold in many German train stations, that's an easy solution.

2) Our Rail Europe link says your departure must be more than 3 days from today, not 5 days. That difference may be because it's no longer the weekend. If you order on Monday and pay $36 for overnight UPS shipping, they still reserve at least a day for processing and whatnot, so it's promised for delivery by the end of day on Thursday. UPS can deliver as late as 7 p.m.