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Itinerary Help - Stuttgart as Base

I posted earlier in regards to our train travel on arrival day. We are still deciding on that factor, but I feel like I really need to start getting a general plan in place. We will be staying with family in Stuttgart so we are mainly looking to have short day trips from here. We will have access to a car and will rent one to travel on our own some too.

Our main goals are two see a few castles, visit some of the towns in the area, I'd love to do some hiking in the Black Forest or scenic areas, etc. Plus my husband seems to really want a cuckoo clock. I'd love to get one of those Christmas Pyramids for my mom (since she will be keeping our kids while we are away.

Here is how our plan is looking right now. Days can flip around if needed... but I'm still unsure in some areas.

Day 1 - Arrival in Munich
(maybe travel to Stuttgart by train)

Day 2 - Travel to Garmisch
(could possibly just take the train this day to Garmisch and meet family there)

Day 3 - Garmisch (possibly Zugspitze) - Husband choose here due to military hotel and closest thing to "Alps feel" without traveling there. We want to stick to Germany this trip since it is on the short side and goal is to spend time with our family as well.

Day 4 - Visit Neuschwanstein Castle on way back to Stuttgart

Day 5 - Stuttgart

Day 6 - Ludwigsburg or Heidlberg or Calw (hard time choosing)

Day 7 - Triberg or Bad Wildbad or Baiersbronn or Freudenstadt (problem is finding somewhere with good hiking, cuckoo clocks, and not too touristy - having a hard time picking)

Day 8 - Hohenzollern Castle and Tubingen

Day 9 - Stuttgart

Day 10 - Travel to Munich/Munich

Day 11 - Flight Home

Any opinions please... as you can see still very up in the air with our choices. Thanks in advance.

Posted by
8126 posts

you say "We will be staying with family in Stuttgart." why not ask your family people?
clarify do they live in Germany or are you meeting them there?

Posted by
19238 posts

Garmisch ) - Husband choose here due to ... closest thing to "Alps
feel" without traveling there.

I've been in Garmisch several times. The closest thing in the Germany Alps with a Swiss Alpine feel is not Garmisch, it's Kleinwalsertal. Although it's politically in Austria, Kleinwalstertal is on the German side of the ridge that forms the border between Bavaria and the Tirol. You can only get there from Oberstdorf, Germany, at the western end of the same mountain range that includes Garmisch. The valley is filled with hiking trails. You can get a map of the trails from the Kleinwalsertal tourist office.

Another place with a better Alpine feel than Garmisch is Berchtesgaden, but it's farther away.

Posted by
12040 posts

Garmisch isn't "up in the Alps", but it is in a very scenic Alpine valley. Excursions up into the mountains are very easy from here.

However, unless you absolutely must, I wouldn't stay at the Edelweiss Lodge. It's located on the outskirts of town and behind a barbed wire-crowned wall. From the outside, it looks like a Bavarian prison, and from what I understand, the lodging cost is only competitive for lower enlisted. Also, I seem to recall that they started restricting access to active duty military currently stationed in Europe, although this may have changed.

If you base yourself in GaP, ascend Zugspitze on the first opportunity that the weather allows for good views. Alpine weather can be very fickle and you may not get another chance.

If you decide to visit Heidelberg as a daytrip, drive through the scenic Neckar river valley either coming or going (driving it for both legs of the trip will take too much time).

Posted by
513 posts

I stayed at the Army hotel in Garmish about ten years ago. It is modern and comfortable, with large rooms and lovely common areas. It is, however about a 15 minute walk from the center of town. But you did mention that you would have a car available so that should not pose a problem. They do have onsite parking facilities also. Their restaurant and bar facilities are excellent too.

Posted by
9149 posts

The Edelweiss is overpriced and the food is so poor, I really hated paying for it. With fabulous German food all around, I don't know why they can't do a better job. We were there just a couple of years ago before they tightened the rules about retirees staying there. It isn't a place I would recommend.

Near Stuttgart, try visiting Esslingen or Tübingen. Both are beautiful old cities. While in Stuttgart, check out Stuttgart Steps for a great walking tour. They also do tours to Esslingen.