Looking for vacation home for 10 days in Frankfurt area during Dec 2023 having 4 bedrooms, kitchen, and walking distance to S-Bahn/U-Bahn. Any ideas (other than VRBO) how to find? Does anyone have recommendations or referrals? Thanks!
You might try AirBnb - I saw apartments and houses listed there that had multiple bedrooms. I would probably try both the Airbnb.com and Airbnb.de, the German site. You could also do a search for Ferienwohnungs in Frankfurt, the German word for "vacation apartment."
Ms. Jo posts frequently on this board and she lives and works in Frankfurt, so she might have some ideas. She will probably see this but if not, you could always message her.
Either look for a home trade or Ferien Wohnung, as Mardee suggested.
Finding a house with 4 bedrooms is going to be a bit tough in the city center, but may be easier in the suburbs. In the city, check out Ginnheim, Heddernheim, Unterliederbach, Bockenheim. Look at Bad Soden, Bad Nauheim, Oberursel, Bad Homburg, Kronberg, Königstein. They all have easy access to Frankfurt by S-bahn, and should have the larger homes with that many bedrooms.
Booking.com also lists apartments and has lots of useful filters and a map view option.