We are a group of 12 visiting Bavaria in July and are looking for a house big enough for us for a week. Nearby Fussen would be nice, but we'll have cars so further afield is OK. Any tips?
With cars , have a look a bit further northwest of Fussen , at Pfronten , nice place and just might fit what you are looking for ! - https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=iC8R45FP&id=CE2028F3568A3D88E68BDCBBAF17C1E55A1B7F83&q=pfronten+im+allg%c3%a4u&simid=608041583750614461&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 - Credit to Lee for pointing out this place
The website for Pfronten is www.pfronten.de. They have pages showing accommodations (Unterkünfte). I'm sure you will find more possibilities there than on any third party website. For that many people you need to look for Ferienwohnungen (vacation apartments), although for that many, you might have to take 2 or 3 apartments.
Thanks for your ideas! I checked the Pfronten website but nothing big enough is available for our dates. We really do prefer a large house as opposed to multiple apartments, so if anyone out there has suggestions, please let us know! :-)
I believe the address for the tourist office in Pfronten is on the website. Write to them and ask if they have any information about entire houses to rent.
Yes, it's on the website - [email protected].