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Hotel recommendations for Burghausen

We will be taking a day trip from Munich out to Burghausen and would like to stay the night. Recommendations for accommodations?

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1556 posts

No hotel recommendations but I can recommend the Palazzo restaurant. Burghausen is a fabulous little place. As well as the castle, it has a nice church and town square, and you can take a pleasant, gentle stroll by the river. If of any interest to you, on the way you can catch the Chapel of Grace in Altotting.

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1296 posts

Years ago we stayed at the Hotel Burgblick across the Salzach in Austria. Nice view and a short walk into the old town. The Hotel was OK then.

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19099 posts

When I stayed in Burghausen in 2007, I stayed at Kaffeemühle (Coffee mill). Kaffeemühle is at the foot of the "peninsula" of higher ground that the entire castle complex sits on, right below the actual castle. From the hotel you can hike up the hill to the middle of the castle.

One of the buses from the train station (#1, I think) comes right down the street in front of Kaffeemühle. However, that street, which is now one way, used to be two way and the sign on Kaffeemühle is oriented to be seen by cars coming the other way,, which they no longer can. I knew the name of the side street that intersected the main street in front of the hotel, but the bus driver wasn't familiar with the name, and we rode right past the hotel without seeing it. A few blocks later I realized we had gone by it, got off and walked back. Just a warning.