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Honeymoon In Germany

So I have been to Munich before. Being my first international trip, I was less prepared than I thought. So this time I’m trying to be better and get a super head start.

We are looking to Honermoon in May 2020. I dropped a couple of the places I have wanted to visit, Prague and Zermatt, for the sake of time and a little money. I love history and nature so I think I’ve found a good plan. Hopefully people can let know if I’m biting off to much or other ideas.

So 16 days in Germany...
2 Days Munich
2 Days Rothenberg
4 Days Baden Baden
4 Days Triberg
4 Days Munich

Of course castles a long the way. Hopefully time to stop a long the way also.

Thank you

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2549 posts

I‘m not seeing very many castles.
Are you into spas? If not, then 4 days in Baden-Baden is too much.
I think 4 days in Triberg is too much. However 8 days in the Black Forest area is not too much if that is what you want. ( I spent 8 and 7 days on my last two trips )

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87 posts

As castles go, Liechtenstein, Hohenzollern, Neuschwanstein. If we really feel froggy then there is Eltz and Cochem.

We have several days in each place so we have time to relax, and not feel as we are running the whole time. We’ll have a car, seems as though I can jut out to little towns pretty easy. Not huge on Spas, but Baden Baden seems nice. Are there other places you suggest in the Black Forest? We really enjoyed Munich last time. And dont feel like we saw enough. Please give me ideas, that’s why I’m here. We do wanna see the Eagles Nest, as that was closed last time we were there. We’ll drive up to Nürnberg for the day. And we’ll see Bamberg on our way to Rothenburg.

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6941 posts

"Baden Baden seems nice. Are there other places you suggest in the Black Forest?"

Baden-Baden is in the general region of the Black Forest, but it's not is not a typical or traditional Black Forest town. It's a spa/casino town, historically a playground for very wealthy Europeans. For a longer stay, I'd pick a different town that's better located for seeing the Black Forest - and pay Baden-Baden a visit on one day, if it interests you.

Spending half of your entire honeymoon in the Black Forest alone is probably overdoing it. But I could see perhaps 5 days there if you have a good base town like Gengenbach. It's an old-world town with town walls and towers on the scenic Black Forest Railway line. From there you could do outings to Baden-Baden, to Triberg, and to other scenic towns on/near the BF Railway:

Gengenbach (during a wine fest)
Gutach (See this German-language brochure - numerous photos)
Gutach's open-air museum

Freiburg and Strasbourg (Fr) can also be day trips from Gengenbach by train.

Train travel around the Black Forest is free if you stay in certain towns (like Gengenbach.) I've stayed in other places in the Black Forest (Elzach, St. Georgen, Löffingen, and Steinach) which like Gengenbach participate in the KONUS plan - from your hosts you get a free guest card which provides free train and bus travel throughout the Black Forest as well as discounts at museums, shops, etc.

(Freiburg, Baden-Baden and numerous other towns do not participate.)

Munich: Perhaps too much time. Your journey to Rothenburg ought to take you to some of the even better destinations in that area. Consider a visit to nearby cities like Nuremberg, Würzburg and Bamberg.

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87 posts

Those are great recommendations. We do plan on Nürnberg on a day visit from Munich. And Bamberg on our way from Munich to Rothenburg. Definitely have time to change a few things.

Will be looking into the Black Forest somemore.

Want to get the most bang for Euro.

Thank you

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6941 posts

We do plan on Nürnberg on a day visit from Munich. And Bamberg on our
way from Munich to Rothenburg. Definitely have time to change a few

If instead you create a base-town strategy for visiting these three towns on3-4 adjacent days, you'll reduce the inherent backtracking in your current plans for hitting Nuremberg and Bamberg. Nuremberg is a good travel base town for both Rothenburg and Bamberg. Also, Munich - Bamberg - Rothenburg will involve more than 4 hours in the car, not including parking or traffic issues. But Nuremberg is varied and interesting - IMO to plan on being in N'berg for just part of one day is truly shortchanging your visit! (The same could be said about Bamberg with a Munich - Bamberg - Rothenburg travel plan.)

Want to get the most bang for Euro.

Reduced miles traveled = reduced transport costs, as a rule.

Also... don't know about total car costs once you toss in rental, gas, insurance, parking, etc. But you will likely save some Euros and some hassle if you don't drive. Nuremberg - Bamberg - Nuremberg... or Nuremberg - Rothenburg - Nuremberg... would cost €20 by train per day for two adults round trip. (That figure also includes any subway, tram, bus etc. you might use within Nuremberg or Bamberg.)

Let's say you accept this tip and stay in Nuremberg for 3-4 days... If you take two separate day trips, one to Bamberg and a second to Rothenburg, and if you do those on Saturday and Sunday, you pay only for one day. The €20 day pass is valid for one day on most days but if bought on Saturday, it's valid the whole weekend:

About getting from Munich to Nuremberg in the first place... Gas alone would cost €25 - but if you take the train instead and use the Bayern Ticket day pass, it's €31 for two adults (and this pass also includes inner-city transport.)

Hope this helps stretch your Euros some.

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87 posts

Thank you for the great advice. Gives me a lot to think about. The planning changes all the time. But I think I have some good ideas to go on.

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1362 posts

I think 4 days in Triberg is way too much unless you want to homestead and hike/drive around the Schwartzwald with a car. I would tell you to think about Königssee and the Austrian Salzburg area or anywhere in Austria the last 5 days rather than more time in Munich. Of course you can do the Ludwig castle tourist thing if that is what you want. You could probably do Prague and Zermatt whirlwind within your 16 days too with adjustment (train/flights). Maybe a revisit of your goals/itinerary is in order? Do you want day to day travel or stay in one place for several days? Famous wedding pictures area Hintersteiner See, Austria, Kufstein and could be a great stay...

Und der Hansi Hinterseer:

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3050 posts

Travelers have different tastes but this is an itinerary that I don't understand. Aside from Munich - Munich is cool.

Rothenburg is charming but heavily touristed. I'd opt to stay in a nearby Romantic Road town like Noerdlingen and visit Rothenburg as a day trip. Or even as a day trip from Nurnberg or Bamberg (not sure what the train connections are like from the latter but I think all 3 listed are better to stay in than Rothenburg).

I really don't get 4 days in Baden-Baden. 4 hours was enough. If you're wedded to the Black Forest (which I think is overrated and much prefer the Alps for scenery or west of the Black Forest the villages of Alsace) I'd stay in Freiburg. 8 full nights in the Black Forest? Unless you're an avid hiker with an eye for moderately pleasing scenery, I just don't get it.

This isn't to slag off Southwestern Germany, but I find the Swabisch Alb more scenic in some spots, Lake Constance (Bodensee) more beautiful and charming and when I do go to the Black Forest, Baden-Baden and Triberg are at the bottom of my list.

If I were to rework this itinerary, I'd either focus on the Alps south of Muinch and do the castles there before heading to the Bodensee, then up through the Swabisch Alb to overnight in Tubingen and visit Hohenzollern and Lichtenstein, or I'd consider heading north to Franconia (Bamberg, Nurenberg) before heading to part of the Romantic Road and on to the Black Forest. Or some mixing and matching between two itineraries.

If castles is your goal, for anything but Neuschwanstein/Hohenschwangau, a car will be immensely helpful.

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6 posts

Wife and I just made our first trip to Germany in October 2018. We were there for 11 days and had a rental for the first 8 days which we spent along the Alps (Fussen to Salzburg) and ended with 3 full days in Munich. I would agree with everyone that 8 days in the Black Forest is a lot. I feel you are wasting a day by starting in Munich for 2 days when you are going to end there for 4 days. Head toward Rothenberg on day 1 and work your way around until you end Munich. We had 3 bases Ettal, Bad Reichenhall, and Munich. We did day excursion loops in different directions each day we were in Ettal & Bad Reichenhall except 1 day in Bad we went to the spa, totally worth it. The Alps are legit and lots of outdoor activities. I created an itinerary for each day with just 1 or 2 for sure must see places to visit and had options along the route if time allowed. It was a relaxing trip and we got to see everything that we wanted to see with some extra fun stuff. Just remember these are all our own opinions, have fun creating an experience the 2 of you will enjoy.

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87 posts

I did move all of Munich till the end. Lessened the days in the Black Forest. I have another little excursion planned...just trying to fit all together. I like the idea of 1-2 must do things.

We did Munich a few years ago. Was amazing. Spent some time in the alps.

This is the plan as of now....although more traveling then I’d like.
Füssen 3 days
Grindelwald 4 days
Triberg or around there 3 days
Nuremberg 3
Munich 3 days

I’m sure this will change again, lol

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332 posts

I would skip Baden-Baden all together. I visited Prague last December and it was stunning. Took a bus from Germany there and did a 3 day 2 night tour which was under 200 euros with hotel, food and sightseeing including a river tour. I book all my travel in Germany since its a fraction of the cost American companies would charge you. Since you have been to Munich already why go again? I would fly into Prague stay a few days and then head near Munich to see the country site if you absolutely want to stay in Bavaria.