Hi again everybody. I received an email from DB alerting me that DB changed my itinerary for September 19. I have some questions about this change DB made:
I had bought a 1st class ticket for the 11:57 ICE 928 that has me changing trains at Köln for ICE 610 to Hagen. I picked that itinerary because the first ICE travels on the western side of the Rhine which is a slower and more scenic.
The DB email says my new departure time is 12:42 & will be ICE 314 that will arrive earlier at Köln as I am assuming it will travel on the faster, eastern side of the Rhine. I do not even see ICE 314 on the DB app leaving at 12:42 PM on September 19. What makes the email more confusing is that toward the bottom of the email, DB then says it is “Our recommendation“ that I take the 12:42 PM ICE 314 train and crosses out the 11:57AM ICE 928 train.
So is DB giving me a choice?
How can DB assign me to a train that isn’t currently listed on the DB app for September 19? I wish I could share a screenshot to show you what I see.
Because DB changed my itinerary, when I arrive at FRA’s long-distance rail station, can I go the ticket window and ask for a train ticket in 1st class on another train(s) to Hagen that day assuming availability at no extra cost? My idea is to select a train that goes on the western side of the Rhine. I was looking forward to that.
If DB won’t allow me to select another train, what do I do about the “My Tickets” section of the app which is not showing the updated change DB made? It still has the 11:57 AM train that actually has not been canceled along with a small pop up window that says “ERROR Live information on available for this service.” What do I show the conductor assuming there really is an ICE 314 leaving at 12:42?
I take public transport all the time at home
and this one has me confused. Please help me understand. Thank you for your help.