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Happy 498th Wedding Anniversary to Martin and Katie Luther

On 13 June 1525 the ex-nun Katharine von Bora and the renegade monk Martin Luther, sixteen years her elder, joined a trend in Europe at the time among European clergy and got married.

Katie and a crew of other nuns had run away from their duties with Luther's help two years earlier, and when their families wouldn't accept them back home, he had married or sold off all of the escapees except her, so on this day 498 years ago they got married.

The partnership went really well - she managed the household while he went on with his career as a reformer. They had many kids and took in those of relatives and some boarders as well, to turn the Luthers into a thriving small business.

They operated out of the Black Monastery in Wittenberg -- have you visited it? What did you enjoy there?

Katie is celebrated with a saint's day on 20 December in Lutheran churches, and among Episcopalians, too.
Their kids descendants include Paul von Hindenburg, who was the General of the German Army in WWI. His long military career of killing British, French, and Americans was of course overshadowed later in his life by his being responsible for Hitler's appointment as Chancellor, and his failure to remove Hitler when the opportunity still existed.