My wife and I will be concluding a Rhine River Cruise/Passion Play 2020 tour in Oberammergau on September 16, 2020. We have the ability to extend our trip further on our own (a week or so) but are struggling with deciding where to go/what to do. We visited Munich and the castles in 2010 so we've visited the big tourist attractions in and around Munich. Any input on the following ideas:
- Go towards Munich as the Oktoberfest begins on September 19, 2020. This is intriguing as we'll be close by in order to experience this. Our intention would be to not spend multiple days at Oktoberfest. Any suggestions of where to stay with this option? How far outside of Munich for lodging would make sense while using public transportation to get to Munich?
- Go towards Berlin - and use as a base for other touring.
- Visit another country - Switzerland perhaps.
- Other suggestions?
We are open to using a city as a base rather than moving every day. Mode of travel is open - car or public transportation.
Thank You for your advice!