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Germany over Christmas with a 1.5 year old toddler

ok I need all the tips and advise on traveling to Germany from California with a 1.5 year old very mobile boy… what to bring for our Germany adventure in December 17-30th for the kiddo. do we bring a stroller? carseat (planning on just taking train) backpacking kid carrier backpack? highchair? how to keep the kid warm?? any advise appreciated!! first overseas trip with a little one… luckily my sister and brother in law will be there to help my husband and I lol

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11733 posts

carseat ......backpacking kid carrier backpack?

Not planning a carseat for the airplane?

Would not bring a highchair; restaurants should have them.

Glad I do not have to choose stroller vs backpack. What works best for you at home?

'how to keep him warm?' .... at the risk of sounding flip, buying his size of the type of clothes you are wearing to keep warm not work?

Disclosure: My granddaughter has a drivers license, so I may no be the best source of info regarding traveling with an 18 month old :-)

Happy travels.

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509 posts

I hate carrying extra heavy crapola around and strollers in crowds are the WORST, so I’d absolutely go with a toddler carrier. As a bonus, you’ll both be warmer.

As an aside… I had been told to expect a scornful Teutonic impatience with parents & kids, but in our experience Germans absolutely LOVED toddlers. Every place we stayed made our 2yo feel super special. Kinder Egg toys waiting for him at breakfast, for example

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980 posts

My daughter was 1-3 when we lived in Munich and here is my advice:

  • Stroller vs Kid Backpack - This is a tough call. If you are planning on walking a lot a stroller is much easier on your back, but keep in mind an umbrella type folding stroller with small wheels is a pain with curbs and cobbles so go all out and bring one with larger wheels if you go this route. We had both and used both when we traveled around on weekend by I preferred the stroller.
  • Car seat is not needed
  • Keeping warm - if you go the stroller route purchase a fußsack (sorry I don't know the English word since we live in TX and they don't exist here!). It's basically a little sleeping bag that they sit in on the stroller.


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1524 posts

Our daughter was born in Bremerhaven and we moved to Nürnberg on her first birthday. We enjoyed 2.5 years there with her. We thought the folding umbrella stroller was our best investment; ours was a very well built one. I could easily lift it over obstacles on the move.

People were very considerate of her and of us. We had no problem navigating the stroller on city streets. Restaurants had highchairs as mentioned above. We had one of those mini-sleeping-bag on a larger stroller but never took it with us. It was not useful in rain or snow. We just dressed her warm and carried something to tuck around her for cold and WET.