Hi everyone!
My husband and I are considering a two and a half week trip to Germany. We'd likely arrive around the 4th or the 5th, and leave by the 24th but we're not completely set on dates. We both love Christmas, and we began planning this trip as a Berlin to Dresden to Prague to Vienna to Budapest (we likely would keep it to four cities, but we hadn't narrowed it down yet) but I can't help but want to stay in one country for the entire trip so that we can really experience all it has to offer instead of just hopping around to major cities in Europe. Has anyone spent December in Germany? I've heard that its a magical Christmas destination! Can anyone suggest what cities we should see that are very Christmasy but could still stand on their own without Christmas? We're trying to build an itinerary but aside from Berlin, I don't know how to narrow down any locations. Are there any must see countrysides or villages? Favorite cities?
Thanks to everyone in advance. I know this is a very broad request, but I guess you have to start somewhere. :)