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German made shoes - best stores in Frankfurt and Stuttgart

I love German-made shoes [ok, I LUV all shoes,] but particularly found that Reikers, Tamaris, and Caprice are SO comfortable in their casual designs. The styles I can get in the USA are limited and expensive. I will be in Stuttgart and Frankfurt [airport] for Christmas Markets in December. Any recommended shoe stores? Even if I have the names of shoe stores and perhaps I can't get there, I could see if mail order is available.
Thanks so much to my fellow-shoe devotees!
Will also be in Basel and Bern, but anything in Switzerland will most likely be more expensive.

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3648 posts

As a fellow shoe lover, I can tell you that I have bought shoes in Europe that sell for twice as much here in the US. A recent example: I purchased some Mephistos in Spain for €149 (vat incl.) that are, at this moment, selling in Nordstrom, for $299 + tax. And that tax, as you well know, in California, is not insignificant. I suspect that if you do a google search, using something like “Rieker shoes in Frankfurt,” you’ll find some options.

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The Christmas market in Stuttgart is right in the center of the main shopping district along KonigStrasse. There are a multitude of shoe stores in the area. Some of the store names are Gortz, Shoe Town Werdich, and even Tamaris Shoes just to name a few. Breuninger's flagship store (major retailer) is also located right by the Christmas market next to the Rathaus (city hall).