How do you get from Garmisch to Ettal Abbey without a car? is it a stand alone visit or should we combine it with something close by?
There is a bus once an hour (timetables at Ettal easily combines with Oberammergau (and it's old fashioned Laber cog rail) and Linderhof Castle.
There is a direct bus, going more or less hourly.
You can combine it with Linderhof, a building project of the same Ludwig who is responsible for Neuschwanstein. The bus is of course easiest, but it is a pleasant walk through the woods.
You can look up the timetable on the DB rail planner.
Thanks for the feedback.
Would trying to do Ettel Abbey, Oberammergau and Linderhof on a long summer day be too hectic & complicated?
Looks like a 52 min walk from Ettel to Oberammergau. Unsure of the elevation gain or difficulty. Ettel to Linderhof looks to be 10km / 2 hour walk. So I guess using the bus is the way to go.
All these places are in the valley, so the roads and paths are more or less level.
Indeed, it is a 2-hr walk from Ettal to Linderhof. In my memory it was much shorter.
You can see all three places in one day.