My wife and I are travelling on what is roughly a 20-stop, 35-day, 7 country trip mostly via train in April and early May 2023. Because I am now about 5 months out, it is becoming more imperative that I begin to book some rooms. However, I am nervous about committing to rooms in the event that pleasant, or not so pleasant, surprises arise and I don't arrive at cities along the route at the time I expected. On the other hand, I don't want to spend half of each day on my phone booking rooms on the fly when I arrive in each town. I have read Rick Steves' article To Reserve Or Not To Reserve* a hundred times each time hoping that some illumination will strike me and provide the magical answer. Meanwhile time is passing. Does anyone have any tricks, tips, or thoughts that might help me in the indecision?
I have been encouraged to elaborate further on my initial question so I will. First of all, my wife and I will each be travelling with a small (35litre) backpack, nothing else. We will be flying into Berlin for 2-3 nights, on to Krakow 2 days and night train to Vienna. 3 days in Vienna, 1 day in Steyr, 2 days in Nurnberg, 1 day in Munich, 1-2 days through Black Forest, 2 days to several brief visits in the Mosel, a couple days with friends in Wiesbaden, a day up the Rhine to Koln. Staying with friends in Koln for a couple of days. A brief stop in Aachen and Liege on our way to Lille. Round trip to Lille to spend an afternoon at the Beaches of Normandy. On to London for 4 days and Edinburgh for 4 days. Train back to London, then fly home.