We are looking for a weekday stop between Würzburg and Marburg next April. My first thought was Aschaffenburg, which we have visited it many times to our pleasure. Then, I began looking for an alternative that was new to us. Friedberg in Hesse seemed a possibility. Has anyone a good, bad or indifferent experience there? Any sights or hotels that you might recommend? Thanks for any help that you can give.
Friedberg is quite nice. Elvis was stationed here so there are sites associated with that. The coolest thing there (for me at least) is the Mikvah with steps going down 25m. Well worth seeing. The castle/fortress is interesting and we enjoyed their museum too. Stopped in an old church, but I can't remember the name of it.
You might check with their TI about walking tours in English.
Thanks Jo. We visited the Mikvah Jewish Bath in Speyer last year and it was one of the things about Friedberg that caught my eye. I was glad to read that you enjoyed the castle as well.
Bad Nauheim is just to the North and worth a visit too. This is where Elvis had his house. Friedberg had a US Army Tank BDE stationed there for years during the cold war days. The great Fulda Gap tank battle that fortunately never happened. The kaserne closed in 2007. There are interesting things to see in this area, you just have to look for them. The Roman Limes winds through the Taunus to the west. I also liked Burgruine Münzenberg, but it's not always open.
Thanks Mchpp. We are traveling by train and will only be there 1-2 nights. Bad Nauheim is only a 3 minute train ride; I am glad to hear that it is worth a visit. I will study it a bit more.