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For those of you who have driven in the Berchtesgaden area...

How well lit and well marked are the roads? I'm picturing a dark deserted stretch of highway at night, when it might not be like that at all.

Posted by
33513 posts

Your trip is in September, right? It won't be properly dark until 8 or so in the evening...

How late at night will you be driving?

I've never driven around there at night because I prefer to see the beautiful mountain scenery, but I wouldn't expect any streetlights except in town. In the daytime the roads are the usual examples of beautiful German engineering with excellent signage (if you know what to look for) and corners well marked.

Posted by
416 posts

Thanks Nigel.
Yes. September.
I doubt we'd be doing any real driving after dark, but I do expect we'll be on our way back to the hotel after a day out, and I'm expecting that to be maybe 8:00-8:30-ish...
My sense of direction is decent until you get me into the countryside. Then it's 'game over'

Posted by
2956 posts

You'll have no problems. Driving is easy, signs are good and the roads generally excellent. You'll enjoy driving in this area. We've visited 5 times and have had no trouble driving or and not getting lost. The B305 is the main road through this area.

Posted by
416 posts

Thanks Paul!! Nice to hear from people who have 'been there' and 'done that'

Posted by
3975 posts

I spent 5 nights in Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden in May and did much driving in the area. It was very, very easy (with a little help from GPS).