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Flight from Athens to Munich in September

Provided that it is safe to travel in September to Europe, do you feel that it is safe to purchase a flight from Athens to Munich (knowing that the airlines will not provide a refund)? If so, when would you perform that purchase, July/August?


Posted by
1025 posts

"Provided [assuming] that it is safe to travel in September to Europe,"

If you want to assume that, feel free. If your assumption is correct, and if your assumption that Europe will be open and welcoming to tourists, where's the risk in buying a non refundable ticket?

The problem in your question is this: You have no data (and neither do we) that European travel will be safe by September, or that Europe (Germany and Greece) will be ready to restart the tourist machinery. I have a ticket to and from Denver from my home here in Nevada at the end of September. I have no idea if non-essential air travel will be approved by then. The tickets are refundable, so there is no loss if I decide to cancel, but I am not seeing positive signs that either this country or Europe will be open by then.

By all means, though, feel free to bet on an unknown future if you can afford to lose the money.

Posted by
222 posts


If you find a great deal on a non-refundable right now, it is a big chance. However, you can gamble that in the event that travel does not reopen or there are still restrictions; the non-refundable ticket will be a voucher or a refund if the airline cancels. At this time, we are on a budget so I would not take a gamble that I would get that voucher or refund. If you have the money just to blow, then get a regular main cabin ticket that is not restrictive.

Posted by
89 posts

I have a trip to England set for September 16th that I've still got my fingers crossed for. We will be making our decision on go/no go in August. Since the airlines are really hurting for bookings I think you could wait until mid to end of July before purchasing a september ticket. I have a feeling that the airfares will be very reasonable but that is just a hunch on my part!!