Greetings. I hope to return to Germany later this year. I am now on a BiPap at night and it needs to be plugged in.
For electricity and adapters, I am fine. What I need is an extension cord. I can buy a CEE7/7 European extension cord in the US and place it in my checked luggage, but I've had issues with cables in my luggage before causing TSA to tear everything apart and break things (they once felt the need to cut of my TSA locks rather than use their keys). I used to travel a lot with cables for some timing work I did for a US Olympic team and it became quite clear that whatever bag had my extra-long ethernet cable would be opened.
So I would rather just buy a cable there. Where do I get one? In the US I could buy one at a "drug store" but searching the large chain DM (dm-drogerie markt) with my limited German with no success. What sort of chain store would have them that I could find in various parts of Germany (Berlin, Munich, Augsburg)?