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Everything stolen - shop to replace ?

We were driving through Cologne today and while we were parked to visit the cathedral our rental car was broken into and all of our belongings were stolen.
We need to replace all clothing, toiletries, shoes, etc for myself, my husband and our 19 year old daughter.
Does anyone have a suggestion for the best place(s) we can do that? Our hope is to visit as few stores as possible to get the basics so maybe a department store would be best? Also We are driving from here to Bavaria and then on to Italy.
Thank you so much!

Posted by
6848 posts

I'm very sorry to hear that. If you are in central Cologne there is an abundance of shops there. Especially on and around Hohe Straße, you'll probably find everything you need there.

Posted by
5312 posts

How awful for you. I hope you've already filed a police report so you can make a claim on your travel insurance.

My go to for dept. stores in Germany would be one of the Galerias. I think there's both a G Kaufhof and a G Karstadt in Cologne. If you go to Google maps for cologne and select department stores, a lot more options should pop up.

Posted by
4025 posts

So sorry to hear of your travel trouble. In addition to the department stores CJean mentions in the city center, there should be a pharmacy and shoe store with a block. German towns are very well layed out and shoppable.

EDIT: also file a police report and keep all receipts. Your travel, cc or other insurance may reimburse you but check your options.

Posted by
2815 posts

I am sorry to hear that.

To existing information given I like to add that Cologne has a real good second hand clothing scene. Several shops in the city, also some kind of a department store for this (Humana).

I guess you informed police and rental car company already.

Posted by
959 posts

This is one of several reasons why I no longer rent vehicles in Europe, and in particular when I did do it back in the day, I never left any belongings or luggage in a rental vehicle while I was enroute from one hotel to another, stopping on the way at any tourist site. Anytime I parked a rental at a tourist site, I had already left all of our stuff at a hotel, I never left anything in the car that could be stolen and screw up our trip.

I learned this lesson In Normandy where all of the parking lots at the various historical sites have warning signs about car break-ins and thefts. In Europe it seems there are literally no rental vehicles with a locking trunk (or even if you reserve one, or thought you did, you are really only reserving a vehicle class and will only get what they have on the lot). Literally every rental is hatchback, or sometimes an SUV or minivan, and all of your stuff is easily seen from outside the car by would-be thieves. Even with a locking trunk, while I think it is a little safer, the mere fact you are parking your rental at a tourist site marks you as a target, and trunks are easily defeated by thieves.

I know you don't want to hear it, but what happened to you is quite common over there. My advice is more for others who read this thread.

Be very careful in Italy, it doesn't get any safer there...

Posted by
9991 posts

I am terribly sorry this has happened to you. What an awful feeling.

I hope the shops that people have suggested will work out for you to get enough things to get you through the trip.

Posted by
5123 posts

I've found the Rossman's chain to have toiletry type items when I've needed them.

Posted by
1521 posts

BTW Galeria Kaufhof and Karstadt have combined. It is a good choice for pretty much everything.

"dm" and Müller's are good for toiletries.

Clothing stores: H&M, C&A and TKMax

My wife is the shopper.

Posted by
5312 posts

I hope the OP will come back and let us know how they made out.

Posted by
1069 posts

You should be able to buy everything you need at Peek and Cloppenburg department store.