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europe men's clothing

Is it proper for men to wear shorts at night in Germany, Austria, England or Ireland? Or would we stand out like a tourist?

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440 posts

In short no, if you are looking at going out drinking you will be refused entry in many places for reasons unknown. But if you are strolling around and its warm then yes

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5837 posts

German and Austrian Lederhosen are traditional. The Austrian entertainers at an evening banquet wore traditional shorts while playing accordions and guitars. And the banquet was in winter. They certainly stood out.

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2535 posts

You are a tourist whether wearing shorts or long pants or naked. Would locals know you are a tourist regardless of wearing shorts or long pants? You bet. Relax and enjoy.

That's an interesting question, and while I don't have much to add, I am very interested to hear what others have to say. I wear shorts a lot in the summer, and never thought of whether or not it would be appropriate in Europe (especially at night). I wore them quite a bit when I visited Spain, England and France about 18 years ago, but I wasn't much concerned back then with looking like a tourist!

We're travelling in October, and so I'll probably only bring a pair to sleep in!

Bruce, I both agree and disagree with your response. There is a difference between being an obvious tourist and being identifiable as a tourist after talking to someone, etc. I think very few folks genuinely believe they'll be able to perfectly blend in while travelling abroad, but that doesn't mean an (even small) effort to not come across as (what many people will negatively associate as) an obnoxious tourist (especially from the US) isn't worth it.
Not important to some folks, and that's fine, but when we travel this fall we'll definitely make somewhat of an effort to be as local as we can be - while of course knowing that we won't pull it off all that well. In my experience, people usually appreciate the efforts to not be the proverbial tourist. However, this doesn't apply to buying a cowboy hat in the gift shop in Yellowstone. Just don't do it!

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28 posts

I second Bruce's notion.
and in Germany and Austria you'll be totally fine anyways, I really wouldn't worry about it. If you don't want to stand out like a tourist, keep the fanny pack and zip off pants at home. Unless you're in some smaller, off-the-beaten path sort of town, there will be so many people dressed from all different corners of the globe that no one will care about you or what you're wearing... except, of course, for you :)

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2457 posts

As for Germany, you can wear what you like and are used to. This:

In short no, if you are looking at going out drinking you will be refused entry in many places for reasons unknown.

might be true for pompous restaurants and ultra-stylish bars but not for the average gasthof or weinstube.

Posted by
1099 posts

You posted in the Germany forum so I'll answer for Germany. My husband wore shorts all day and night, wherever we needed to go, throughout western Germany this June. We didn't go to any fancy restaurants but did go to nice ones and never got a second look. We're in our 40s. Wear what makes you feel comfortable. It was HOT, so everyone else was in shorts, too. (Which reminds me of what must be the latest trend and I'm sure it'll be in the U.S. soon if it's not already - females with their cheeks hanging out of their short-shorts, the equivalent of butt cleavage. More than I wanted to see.)

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14792 posts

No, I don't do the "when it Rome, do as the Romans do." when in Europe. I dress basically American style, but no shorts, polo or golf shirts, caps, etc. My attire is what I feel comfortable in, not for the purpose of blending in, which I could care least about.

"They" know I am a tourist/visitor, or whatever in Germany, England, since I have tourist written all over me, although on this trip for what ever reason I was asked more often than ever before if I lived in Germany.

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9149 posts

Look at some live webcams in the towns you will be visiting and see what men are wearing in the evening. If it is hot, wear your shorts if you like. No one is going to care.

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5483 posts

I'm in shorts pretty much April to November. In the warmer months when I'm going to the pub I'll wear shorts, no-one bats an eyelid.
In the cities in the UK you may be refused entry to many of the 'trendier' youth oriented pubs but that in itself is a good thing. For your more traditional or rural pub no-one gives a toss. The rule of thumb....if there's a bouncer on the door then avoid the place like the plague.

In Germany in July we all wore shorts to the beer gardens, pubs etc and no-one batted an eyelid. I wear jeans to a restaurant, I wouldn't wear shorts.

I wore shorts in Sorrento and Barcelona in February and I received many strange looks from the locals wrapped up in their winter coats, hats and scarves despite it being a balmy 21°c so the rule of thumb is....Northern Europeans are a hardier bunch than their soft Southern neighbours.

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5458 posts

I live in Austria and I can confirm that men, local men, wear shorts even to go out. For younger guys, shorts are considered a cool look in the summer.

Posted by
525 posts

I'm assuming that both men & women wearing jeans is acceptable throughout Europe?

Posted by
20 posts


I saw plenty of people, locals and tourists alike, in jeans when we were in Germany in June/July. I wore jeans a few times and never felt out of place. I mostly wore regular slacks because they were more comfortable for me during the summer, but jeans didn't seem inappropriate anywhere that we went. Keep in mind that we ate in some nice restaurants, but not any super high-end places though. I had brought along a cotton dress in case we went anywhere really nice, but I ended up not pulling it out. I did notice that local women seemed to wear dresses more than slacks, but there were enough other people around in pants that I didn't feel out of place.

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5458 posts

Jeans are probably the most universally popular item of clothing in Europe.

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9149 posts

Of course jeans are widely worn in Europe. I do not understand why people think that they wouldn't be common here? The whole world wears the same fashions, shoes and clothing, unless you are in some jungle or desert venue.