Currently planning a trip to Europe in September 2017. Focus of the trip will be Mediterranean Italy, but due to complexities of flights, we will have connections somewhere in Europe on the way in and on the way back. One of the options is Dusseldorf. We could easily add a day or two there in between our flights (this would be late September). Rick never mentions Dusseldorf, but that's not necessarily a good indication of its relative worthiness as a tourist destination. Is there much to see there?
We have been to Germany before, and hit most of the "biggies" on most American tourists' list. An extra day or two in Dusseldorf would just be a bonus for this trip. Of course, we have fixed time available, so any time we spend in Dusseldorf would be taken out of Mediterranean Italy, so there's that to consider.
Anyone like Dusseldorf for a day or two in September (after a couple weeks in Italy)? Thanks for any input.