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Domestic flights in Germany

Are there currently any special COVID procedures for taking a domestic flight in Germany (Berlin to Frankfurt)? I would assume that, at the bare minimum, I would need to show my vaccination card when checking in at the airport. But beyond that, are there any other requirements such as a COVID test?

This flight will be after having spent 3 days in Berlin after flying in from the US, so I will have already have met the entry requirements for entering the country three days earlier.


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7335 posts

I am assuming that the flight is already booked, but I will just point out that the train takes 4 hours and 15 minutes, so the plane does not save much time (30-45 minutes perhaps once you factor in security, boarding deadlines, getting to the airport).

Otherwise, you just need a mask (and cloth is not OK - FFP2 or KN95 is preferred since this is what you need on German trains, but I believe surgical masks are also OK on planes). There is no requirement for a test.

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7262 posts

And there are some trains that only take 3:50 between Berlin and Frankfurt so I doubt you'll save any time at all by flying. And with train tickets starting at €17.90 it's also by far the cheaper option.