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DB Mobile Ticket Question

Since my itinerary is set for next month, I’ve purchased our train tickets from Nürnberg to Munich where my German cousins will pick us up. When I looked at the ticket it is only in my name, not my husband’s, but I see both seats listed on the ticket. They are in 1st Class. I read that we may be asked for identification to match the names on the ticket.

Do you think we will have a problem with only my name on the ticket? Should I add my husband as an additional passenger for any future DB tickets I purchase while in Germany?

Thank you.

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6581 posts

No, it's quite common for only the name of the person buying the ticket to be listed.

And while you might be asked for ID, it probably won't happen.

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2020 posts

The railways are not the slightest bit interested in your names actually. Trains do not have passenger manifests. The railway is only interested in the fact that someone paid for two passengers...
That there is a name on the ticket is just to avoid you just making copies and handing them out to friends so they can all travel for free...

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4011 posts

I’ve been taking the DB for the last 5 days with some of my itinerary in 1st class. I have yet to have a conductor even inspect my tickets which are on my mobile. The trains are so jam-packed including in 1st class due to cancellations and delays that conductors can’t even walk through the aisles to inspect tickets because passengers are sitting on the aisle floors because there are no seats for them. On a few trips, the train carriages reminded me of the NYC subway except nobody sits on the floor! 😂

If a conductor does come to your seat, you will have no problem. The QR code will show that there are two of you. Have a wonderful time!

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1998 posts

Took the train this spring in First Class. Didn't like my seat assignment so I went to another free seat. Conductor came by, scanned my ticket, and went on his way. Never asked for ID. Your ticket should have a QR code which will show the ticket details to the conductor when he scans it. You will be fine-enjoy First Class.