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Day Boat Trip on Mosel

We will be in Trier for a couple days in August. We would love to take a day boat trip up or down the Mosel. Ideally we would love it to be a full day. Does something like this exist? Are the boat trips typically round-trip? Are there any boats we could take up and down the Mosel in which we could get on and off of and pick up at different times? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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3635 posts

Yes, what you want does exist, or did when we were there some years ago. The one we took was round trip. I’m remembering that we had one or a couple of places where we had a break of around half an hour. We were able to get refreshments at the cafes near the dock. Don’t know if there is the possibility of hop-on hop-off.

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1075 posts

The same company that does the Rhine boat tours runs sightseeing cruises on the Mosel. Smaller boats, of course, and less frequent, but regularly scheduled. Here is the website: It starts from Koblenz.

Here's one that starts from Trier: mosel round trips