Okay, now I am about ready to pull the hair out of my head. I went to the Help section where they gave links to email or fill out a contact form. Figuring email would be the fastest, I emailed them and got the following message back:
Your message to the Microsoft 365 group [email protected] couldn't be delivered.
The group mvv-app isn't set up to receive messages from [email protected].
Then further on down in the email, it said:
The Microsoft 365 group, [email protected], is configured to reject messages sent to it from outside its organization -- unless the sender is a guest group member. [email protected] isn't part of the organization, and it isn't a guest group member.
Suggestions to fix it were to contact the group owner and ask to be a member of the group. Or to check that I didn't use a different email address. Or to be asked to be a member of the group. Hello! How can I do that when I can't reach anyone? And I certainly know my own email address.
So I took the next step and sent a contact form. I filled out all the information and then was given a Captcha code to copy. I did that 6 times! and 6 times I was told it was the wrong code. I can read numbers; I can copy numbers, and in every case my numbers matched the Captcha numbers, but I was sent the "Try Again" message over and over. So I started all over again and filled out the contact form a second time, was asked to put the Captch code in and it was rejected several times.
I'm at my wit's end. They have no other way to contact them. I purchased the ticket and I have only a few days left to cancel it, but I have received no confirmation email, no welcoming email, and no link to cancel the subscription. Can ANYONE provide a viable suggestion as to how I should proceed? There doesn't seem to be a phone number and even if there were one, I don't speak enough German to make my situation understood.
By the way, I downloaded the app on my iPhone; my husband downloaded it on his Android, and when he couldn't see the ticket on the app, he sent an email and got the same response as I. He hasn't filled out the contact form as yet because he's pretty upset.