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Corona-Fälle und Corona-Tote in Bayern

For you information... Kreis Tirschenreuth has more cases per person then anywhere in Germany to date. A "Strong Beer Fest (Starkbierfest)" that 1400 people attended the beginning of March is attributed to the spread in Kreis Tirschenreuth. Mitterteich is about 40 km from my home. A mobile drive through test station was set up at my local hospital in Weiden a few weeks ago; however It is intended for persons who have had contact with a person infected with the coronavirus. Affected persons will be contacted in advance by the public health department and asked to make an appointment. A test (oral cavity smear) in the drive-in is only possible with an appropriate appointment. Guidance is If you suspect that you are infected, do not go to the doctor's office, but contact your general practitioner or the on-call service of the health insurance physician by telephone. I'm seeing reports that currently there are more than 62,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany and over 500 people have died.
Of course all the local Zoigl Bier Stuben are closed too, my favorite weekend activity. I'm hopeful, but I don't expect to travel for many months. Glad to have a nice balcony and garden and we are strictly adhering to curfews and contact bans.

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1532 posts

" I don't expect to travel for many months."

I react to Covid-19 with both my heart and my brain. I have read that a vaccine will be hard to develop in 18 months as there will be many dead ends. To achieve natural herd immunity (assuming you can not be reinfected) ~60% of the population will have had to have been infected & recovered. That is 50 million people in Germany (200 million in the USA). Even if the 60,000 confirmed cases represent something like 600,000 actual cases, as some scientists believe, there is still a long ways to go in this epidemic before one can expect to travel without risk of catching and spreading this virus.

Hopefully drug treatments will be developed that relieve the suffering of some and the overwhelming impact on our hospitals.

I am in my 70's. I wonder if I will make it back to Germany. I lived there for 6 years and made ~18 visits back. I may have to settle for good memories. Not so bad.

Anyone have a good recipes for Mandelhörnchen or Mohnschnecken?

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1411 posts

No recipes, but many bakeries are still open. It is hard to find baking yeast in stores. In the small butcher, bakery and specialty food shops people line up outside at least two meters apart and go in only one at a time. The larger stores have the cashiers surrounded by plastic and they are wearing gloves and masks. People wait in the checkout line at least two meters apart too. Signs and markings remind everyone to keep a "social" distance from the products and people. Some people are wearing gloves and masks too. I've gotten used to washing my hands for at least 30 seconds and am trying not to touch my face when out of the house. Germans are pretty self-disciplined people, that along with testing availability and health care are probably keeping the infection and death rate down so far. People are out for some exercise, walking dogs etc, but they keep their distance and do not congregate per the lockdown.

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10747 posts

I had a FaceTime call with my cousin in Köln yesterday. She told me that she had to stop taking her two year old twins for a walk in the forest (?) near her because people were not respecting the social distance spacing.

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1411 posts

I'm sorry to hear that especially involving children, but I've seen a few instances here too. There are some specified exceptions as in assisting/escorting elderly and handicapped. You can't cheat at social distancing. It defeats the whole concept and puts others/everyone at risk practicing it.

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6878 posts

She told me that she had to stop taking her two year old twins for a walk in the forest (?) near her because people were not respecting the social distance spacing.

Its the same everywhere. Near my home, in Seattle, I see some people who appear to have no idea what is an appropriate distance. I was out walking yesterday (a lovely, crisp spring day, with cherry blossoms and lots of flowers blooming here) and encountered some people keeping a good distance, and others walking right up to others.


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10747 posts

Yeah, I don't know what is wrong with people. We are staying at home and not allowing anyone in our house. We do try to take a nice long walk most days. We have a protected wetlands at the end of our street and there are walking/biking paths that travel quite a distance alongside the wetlands. The paths branch off into different neighborhoods. We have been walking these paths for a long time but these days There are so many people out and about. And people often don't practice the 6 foot distancing. We now just walk around our neighborhood and the surrounding area. We don't have to worry about staying away from people then.

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1411 posts

I know many understand how fast this spreads and we can all see the news. As of yesterday at 14:00 Kreis Tirschenreuth has 454 infected and 19 dead. 7 died over the weekend and they were all over 75, and almost without exception had pre-existing conditions. The number of confirmed cases in Weiden increased from 55 to 64. This corresponds to a rate of 150.52 cases per 100000 inhabitants. In the Kreis Neustadt/WN the number of affected persons also increased. On Monday 184 registered cases were reported up from 148 Sunday. 195.01 cases per 100000 inhabitants are registered in the district. The laboratories are working at full capacity with the tests for the coronavirus.
The city of Jena plans to be the first German city to introduce compulsory mouthguards.
The Robert Koch Institute (Berlin) recommends mouth and nose protection to reduce the risk of infecting other people.
63.000 confirmed coronavirus cases now in Germany
It's snowing today, so no garden work and I think I'll stay off the balcony. We are limiting our shopping trips to a minimum and plan to wear gloves and face masks.

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1532 posts

When folks approach me on the sidewalks, I generally get off the sidewalk and walk into the street to give both of us the safe distance. I did so the other day regarding a woman about my age (70's). She hollered at me in anger "I won't bite." I shrugged and she waved me off with disgust. Not everyone is getting or believing the message. I thought it was funny. Maybe her life has become more complicated with this virus.