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Copenhagen to N. Germany across Baltic?

Hi all:

X-post in Denmark..

Has anyone gone form Copenhagen across the Baltic to Northern Germany? I see there is a ferry involved - mostly for cars, but seems you can buy a pedestrian ticket.

I see there is a train and maybe a Flix bus also? Has anyone made this crossing?


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14795 posts


If it is a "car-ferry" making a crossing foot passengers may board as well. If you are solo or traveling with others (no car), then you buy foot passenger tickets. Those with cars have to indicate that they have a car. I made a ferry crossing as a foot passenger to North Germany once. That was covered by the rail pass then.

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268 posts

The best option is to take the train, which can be booked on
If you choose a connection via Rødby and Puttgarden (e.g. to Hamburg), then you have one of the trains that go onto the ferry. Once on the ferry, you have to leave the train, and are allowed back on the train shortly before the ferry docks again.