Oh wow! One of the benefits of being on the west coast is that when you get up in the morning there are all sorts of answers waiting for you. Thank you all!
Let me address/clarify a few things.......
For Russ, who is always such a wonderful source of information on Germany.... Where is not yet decided, nor is which year, although it certainly won't be this one. I figured I'd start with the gingerbread question and that might inform things.
We are rather picky eaters, and thus always get a rental with a kitchen. We also always have a list of grocery options, and find exploring local stores and outdoor markets to be quite interesting, as well as tasty. So having some soup (hey, it'll be cold, hot soup is good) waiting for us can be a good thing. And oh yes, we are indeed intimately familiar with Happy Cow, as well as having several searches we do regularly, such as falafel.
We have found the potatoes in Germanic areas to be wonderful, sigh, missing them. Ditto decent breads. Oh, hot potato soup, German breads and a salad, heavenly.
For mchpp, thanks for those links. I will spend some time with Google translate exploring them later.
Ms. Jo, it's nice to know that options for us are increasing. We had a wonderful time when we went to Berlin, so many choices.
I assume that beverages such as gluhwein and kinderpunsch are both vegan?
geovagriffith, potato pancakes with applesauce sounds nice.
Again, thanks to all.