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Christmas around Frankfurt and possible short excursion with wine tastings.

Hi everyone!
We are going to see family in Frankfurt and will be there for a little over a week. We could use info on 2 things: Events and good restaurants in Frankfurt and Some good day trips or a 1-night overnight (by car).

  1. Frankfurt Restaurants and Events: Looking for a good restaurant for mom's dinner on her birthday 26th. We are staying in Morfelden-waldorf but will have a car. Also, besides the Rom Christmas market, what other events or markets are taking place in the Frankfurt area from 21-27 Dec.

  2. We are looking for some excursions by car for day trips or to stay one night and come back to Frankfurt. Would love to do some wine tastings in the Rhine area (we have a Designated Driver - no worries) and are open to seeing interesting towns around the areas. Any suggestions would be truly appreciated!


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12040 posts

Wine tastings are not particularly common in Germany, because stand-alone wine estates are much more rare than in places like the US and Canada. And winter really isn't the peak time of year for this activity anyway. That being said, there is a winery like the kind you have in mind in Eltville am Rhein, near Wiesbaden and an easy car trip from Frankfurt. You may find what you're looking for there.

Of course, if you want all the Glühwein you can imagine, just hit the Christmas Market in Frankfurt!

Jo from Frankfurt can give you some info on events happening in her town during your visit. For places to go in the region, at the risk of stealing Jo's thunder, here are a few hints...

Büdingen, if you want to see an old town that maintains its medieval defensive wall.

Marburg, mainly because it's gorgeous. If you've read The Lord of the Rings, it kind of resembles the description in the book of Minas Tirith (but not in the movie)... meaning, a town that winds around a hill up to castle on top.

Wetzlar, for it's attractive old town.

Braunfels, for it's huge (rebuilt) castle.

Fritzlar, another remarkably well preserved old town, complete with a defensive wall, in a region almost oversaturated with castles.

Eisenach- enough written about this town elsewhere. Bad Hersfeld, on the way to Eisenach from Frankfurt, is also worth a look.

Idstein- nice old town with a castle (are you sensing a general theme yet?)

Hessenpark- open air folk museum just north of Frankfurt. When I last visited about three years ago, it was only half completed. Hopefully they've made some progress since then. Just down the road, you can also visit Saalburg, a reconstructed Roman fort.

Darmstadt, for it's Jügenstil (Art Nouveau) artist colony.

Heidelberg, for...well, being Heidelberg. Enough said.

That's probably enough for now.

Posted by
9344 posts

These are the Christmas markets and events that are near Frankfurt and that will be happening while you are here.
* 21 Nov.-23 Dec. Rüdesheim Christmas Market
* 21 Nov.-22 Dec. Heidelberg Christmas Market
* 21 Nov.-23 Dec. Darmstadt Chrismas Market
* 21 Nov.-23 Dec. Offenbach Christmas Market
* 21 Nov.-8 Jan. Speyer Christmas Market
* 22 Nov.-23 Dec. Wiesbaden Christmas Market
* 23 Nov.-22 Dec. Frankfurt Christmas Market, Frankfurt
* 24 Nov.-22 Dec. Aschaffenburg Christmas Market
* 24 Nov.-23 Dec. Mainz Christmas Market
* 24 Nov.-26 Dec. Christmas in the Palmengarten
* 25 Nov.-23 Dec. Marburg Christmas Market
* 25 Nov.-30 Dec. Limburg Christmas Market
* 10 Dec.-22 Jan. 2017 - Winter Lights, Frankfurt Palmengarten

  • 24 Dec. Pealing of the Bells, Frankfurt, 17:00

For wine tasting, head up to Eberbach monastery by Eltville. Wine cellars, ancient presses, huge wine shop, and a stunning basilica. Visit Eltville too, its' really cute.

Posted by
2779 posts

Uhm, wine tasting is very common in Germany, especially in the wine areas. The closest to Frankfurt would be the Rheingau and I'd recommend a wine tasting in Eltville. You can do them all over town. I'd recommend the convent Kloster Eberbach, Schloss Reinhartshausen (castle) - you will need a car for this day. Just drive to Eltville and you will find those places!

Posted by
3 posts

Thank you so much!
These are some great suggestions here and I really appreciate it!
I have to say, waking up to the news in Berlin, my thoughts and prayers go out to Berlin. I hope all stay safe over this holiday season. I will still go to these places and support this aspect of German culture. I think It is important in light or this or attacks like this to not let ignorance and senseless violence make us too scared to do things important to us and important to culture. Blessings to all of you over the holiday season.